Mrs. Wilcox’s Kindergarten News P

Mrs. Wilcox’s Kindergarten News
Please send me an email at if you have not received an
email from me. Several emails I entered did not go thru and I communicate best
via email. I will be giving you a hard copy newsletter to start the year but then I
will send them electronically. If you would still like a hard copy I will be glad to
send you one. Just let me know. Thank you!
Aug.24th-Sept. 4th Gather math and reading baseline data first few days of
Read The Little School Bus . What animals rode the bus? Did they behave?
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
Read- This is the way I go to School-tie into discussion on diversity-Global
Read The Kissing Hand and Pocket Full of Kisses Discuss same character that
was in both books.
Read Mrs. Bindergarten Gets ready for Kindergarten.
Mary Wore Her Red Dress.
Stories about colors and shapes.
Intro letterland characters
a thru m- lower case and the sounds of the letters.
Letterland stories a-m and vocabulary for each letter. Word sort and letterland
detective games.
No school Sept. 7th
Homework this week is to bring something small to school that begins
with the letter A for show and tell on Sept. 2nd.
Essential supplies- 24 Count Crayons-1 pack, Headphones (inexpensive) for
classroom use and computer lab use, 1 pack of pencils, 2 2 pocket folders-any
colors, 1 2 pocket folder-yellow-for PE class, Girls-2 Boxes of Kleenex Tissues,
Boys- 1-2 containers of Clorox/Lysol wipes,1 spiral notebook-wide rule, 1 4pack
of black Expo dry erase markers, 2 cans of playdoh or magic model.
ELA 1st Quarter Expectations
TRC goal: Demonstrate Reading Behaviors-such as:
What is the job of the author?
What is the job of the illustrator?
Show me the front of the book.
Show me the back of the book. I can understand the difference between pictures
and print in a book.
I will point to pictures in a book.
I will point to words in a book. I can understand the difference between letters
and words.
I will point to a letter in a text. I will point to a word in a text.
I can understand that letters make up words. I will point to the letters in a word.
I will tell how many letters are in the word. I can understand that words make
up sentences. I will point to a sentence.
I will point to the words in a sentence.
I will tell how many words are in the sentence.
I will understand words are separated by a space in the print of a book.
I will point to each word as I read a book.
I will point to each word as someone else reads a book.
Letter Sounds: 8
Letter Identification: 16* Sight Words: 12
I will draw a picture to tell what I think about a book.
I will tell someone what I think about a book. I will write what I think about a
book. I will draw a picture to share information about a book.
Listening and Speaking: I will have a conversation with others about text. I will
listen to others as they speak.
I will take turns talking.
I will talk about things that I know.
Math 1st quarter expectations
I will begin at 1 and count to 25 by 1’s.
I will count forward from a number that is not 1;
From 1-25.
I will trace the shape of numbers 0-5.
I will write the numbers 0-5 on my own in random order from memory.
I will say a number for each object I touch without touching any object twice. 0-5 objects
I will use the touching strategy to count sets of objects to 5.
I will answer the question, “How many are there?”
- 0-5 objects
I will use touching and moving to count a group of objects to 10 in a line or
I will use words like big and little to talk about the size of something. I will use
words like long and short to talk about the length of something.
I will use words like heavy and light to talk about the weight of
I can use an attribute to sort groups.
I will use shapes to describe things in my world.
I will use my positional words to tell where objects are located.
I will name a circle, square, triangle, rectangle, & hexagon.
I will trace shapes and then draw shapes by myself.
FYI The first weeks in class we will describe importance of laws & rule and
establish rules for the classroom & hallways etc., Gather baseline data, Teach
how to use materials, how to work in a center, and write Mission statement with
the class.
Learn about each other! Student interviews!
Read I Follow The Rules Book-Soc. St.
Centers/Anchor activities established.
Establish basic classroom procedures.
FIRE DRILL FIRST 10 Days-Make sure students know what to do.
Bus Safety coming soon!
If you are going to pick up your child early from school for an appointment etc.
you must sign them out from the office by 1:30 pm. No one will be signed out
between 1:30 and 2:15 pm.
Check your folder daily for homework, newsletters, notes, etc… Be sure to take
out any old papers and keep them at home. If you would like an electronic
newsletter please make sure I have your email address. Thank you!
If you send in a note for change of transportation please be sure to put your
childs first and last name on the note, date, as well as the teachers name. Thank
Class Promises:
We promise to listen to our teachers.
We promise to be respectful to others.
We promise to work together.
We promise to try our best each day.
Sept. 16th-Early Release Day
Sept. 23 Progress Reports go home
Sept. 25th-Teacher workday-No school
We want to keep you informed of your child’s daily experiences in the classroom
so we use the traffic light system. This will be used to inform you of your child’s
behavior. The first is Green for great behavior all day, yellow is for several
warnings, red will warrant a call or note home to the parents. At the beginning
of school we give the students lots of warnings as they learn the rules. By the
third week of school we expect the students to comply with all of the rules.
Key materials, routines, & concepts are introduced the first days of school that
are crucial to success. These follow the Daily 5 Framework for Reading
-Establishing a gathering place for brain & body breaks.
– Developing the concept of “Good fit” books.
-Creating anchor charts with students for referencing behaviors.
-Short repeated independent practice.
-Calm signals & check in procedures.
-Using correct model approach & demonstrating appropriate behaviors.
Folders: Please check them everyday and take out any papers. I use the
folder to send such items as: Newsletters, notes, completed work, any
assignments, permission forms for field trips, & volunteer forms. It is important
that you open and view the contents of your child’s folder each day. Please feel
free to use this folder to send information to me such as sick notes, lunch
money, field trip money, etc.
Class schedule-7:30-9:40 literacy and snack.
9:40-10:05 Recess
10:05-10:35 Math
10:40-11:30 Enhancements
11:30-12:20 Math
12:20-1:00 lunch
1:00-2:15 Social Studies and Science
Enhancement rotation- Day 1 PE
Day 2 Art
Day3 Music
Day 4 PE
Day 5 Media
Day 6 Computers
-Please be aware that you may not post any information about students on any
social networking websites without prior authorization. Thank you!
-Any money turned in (other than lunch money) has to be receipted by the
classroom teacher. Parents cannot collect money from students. When turning
in lunch money or field trip money please put it in an envelope with students
name, teachers name, amount of money enclosed and label what the money is
-Snack- We will have a morning snack every day. Parents will be asked to
provide snacks for their child daily. If your child has a food allergy please let me
know as soon as possible.
Students will be permitted to bring their own personal water bottle.
-Birthday celebrations- Due to child nutrition laws and school rules about
classroom parties you may only bring in store bought cupcakes or ice cream for
birthdays. If your child has a food allergy they may bring in a homemade item.
The cupcakes/ice cream can be given out at snack time and that is all.
-Lunch account numbers are the same as the student ID #. Please come and
have lunch with your child any day! Lunch time –to be announced. If you
purchase a school lunch please be aware that there is a separate fee for drinks.
If you want your child to limit the amount of snacks they can purchase
you need to write a note and I will give it to the cafeteria manager. You
may also limit the days in which they can receive a snack.
- From the office- All visitors or volunteers*** Bring your drivers license the
first time you check into the office. All visitors must check in at the office and get
a visitor’s pass. This is for all of our safety. Please park out front of the school
when you come to visit.
-If you would like your child to be held out of PE class or recess for any reason
you need to send in a note. Thank you!