Research Briefs Rubric -- Written Part of The Research Trail 2015 Name________________________ Block____________________ Date___________________ DIRECTIONS: highlight/underline KEY WORDS to direct your writing under column 4 only. Always keep rubric out and visible while working on The Research Trail! 15 13 11 8 Composing 8.7D Full explanation Sophisticated thesis statements Full paragraph for each (3 in total): 7-10 sentences Purposeful elaboration Good thesis statements Paragraph for each (3 in total), but fewer than 7-10 sentences Little elaboration Ok thesis statements Incomplete paragraph for each brief Lacks focus on central idea Weak thesis statements Incomplete paragraph for each Written Expression 8.4 Consistent and effective use of showing details No weak words Reasonable, but not consistent use of showing details Few/no weak words Inconsistent use of showing details Some weak words Little or no showing details Many weak words Usage and Mechanics 8.8 Few or no errors in punctuation, capitalization, spelling, usage Any errors do not detract from overall impression of the writing Some errors in punctuation, capitalizations, spelling, usage Any errors do not detract from overall impression of the writing, but are more frequent than for a 4 Frequent errors in punctuation, capitalization, spelling and usage Mistakes detract from overall impression Frequent and severe errors Density and variety of errors overwhelm the performance TOTAL: ___________________/45 ___________________% _____I used the Printing Rules _____I used my Individual Editing List to edit my piece 15 Research 8.9 Properly cited/included one piece of strong research in each brief Listed websites used at end of essay 13 TOTAL: Included one piece of research in each brief Perhaps a flaw or perhaps not strong research Websites listed at end of essay 11 A few flaws or weak research Websites listed at end of essay 8 No research cited in essay No websites listed. ___________________/15 DUE DATE: ______ (A Day), ______ (B Day) FINAL STAPLE ORDER: Rubric, Final (with thesis statements labeled/highlighted), Rubric for Sources sheet with teacher comments, Drafts, Planning. One staple in corner (see bottom of this rubric for exact position). Staple here Plagiarism Contract Plagiarism can be defined as submitting another person’s ideas, words, images, or data without giving that person credit or proper acknowledgement. Plagiarism, a form of academic dishonesty, is tantamount to stealing and will not be tolerated. In order to clarify what constitutes plagiarism, you should be aware that you have committed plagiarism when you: • Use phrases, quotes, or ideas not your own; • Paraphrase the word of another even though you may have changed the wording or syntax; • Use facts or data not considered common knowledge; • Submit a paper written for another class (academic dishonesty); • Submit a paper from an essay service or agency even though you may have paid for it (these papers are usually of low quality, so you probably didn’t get your money’s worth); • Submit a paper by another person even though he or she may have given you permission to use it. You should also note that plagiarism not only encompasses written work, but also computer data, research, musical scores, video programs, and visual arts. Plagiarism is a serious issue, especially in an academic environment. Teachers must be able to rely on the integrity of a student’s word in order to maintain a climate for successful learning. Plagiarism reflects on character; therefore, you should diligently avoid inadvertent plagiarism. When you are unsure if acknowledgement is needed, ask your teacher. The penalties for blatant plagiarism include loss of all credit for the assignment with no opportunity to rewrite. This may significantly lower your final grade. Furthermore, plagiarism, a form of cheating, can result in serious disciplinary action. We will discuss methods for avoiding plagiarism as the school year progresses. I, _________________________________, am aware of the serious nature of plagiarism and will not intentionally use or submit someone else’s work without acknowledgement. Furthermore, I will not misrepresent someone else’s work as my own. Signature ______________________________________ Date____________________ Note: You may be required to process major papers through before earning a grade. Also, you may be required to complete a one-on-one interview with the teacher to demonstrate your knowledge of the subject matter.