Directions: Title your page with words in bold and date.... front) in your journal for each prompt. Now, begin by...

Directions: Title your page with words in bold and date. Leave a page (back and
front) in your journal for each prompt. Now, begin by timing yourself. You get eight
minutes to respond to each of the prompts. You are writing in complete sentences
and at a minimum, one page.
What is something you believe in? It could be something simple, such as “holding
the door for strangers.” Or, it could be something much larger, and a more serious
topic. (title your journal page “I Believe”)
Who or what is the one event that shaped your middle school experience?
(Event/Person that Shaped MS)
What is the proudest moment so far in YOUR life? (title your journal page,
“Proudest Moment.”
If you could write a letter to your younger self, what would it say? (title your
journal page, “Advice To Young Self.”)
It’s 20 years from now. What are you doing? Describe your life. (title your
journal page, “20 Years from Now.”)
How do you want to be remembered? (title your journal page, “How I Want to
be Remembered)