Assignment #2 The Protestant Reformation Pages 449-454 And

Assignment #2
The Protestant Reformation
Pages 449-454
Use the World History Human Legacy book pages 449-452.
Page 449
On a sheet of notebook paper, write two supporting facts for the
topic sentence for each of the 36 paragraphs found in the chapter.
Paragraph 1 has been done for you. You only have to write your two
facts on your paper, you do not have to write the topic sentence.
Write the P.I.R.A.T.E.S. category that each paragraph should be
classified under. Below is what the letters stand for:
P= POLITICAL – Who is in charge? Conservative/Liberal.
Reforms. Political participation. Political values and developments.
I= INTELLECTUAL – How do we think? Education.
Philosophical trends, norms, values, and ethics.
R= RELIGIOUS – What do we believe? Christianity, Islam,
A= AESTHETIC – What do we like? Art, architecture, Fashions,
and Fads.
T= TECHNOLOGICAL – What is new that is used to live and
communicate? Science and technological breakthroughs.
E= ECONOMIC – What do we do to make money and what do we
do with the money? GDP/GNP, inflation, deflation, unemployment,
federal exchange, corporations, recession…
S= SOCIAL – How do we treat each other? Race, ethnicity, family
structure, civil rights, gender issues and trends,…
Write down your work like in the following example:
Paragraph 1. (Over the centuries since its beginning, the Roman Catholic
Church had gained power and wealth in Europe.) You do not have to
write down the topic sentence just the two supporting sentences.
A. Some felt the church strayed too far from its spiritual roots.
B. By the early 1500’s, the concerns crystallized into a reform
PIRATES = Religious/Political
Page 450
2. As the wealth and worldliness of the Church grew...
3. In the early 1500’s, Pope Leo X needed money for construction...
4. As Unhappiness with taxation, the sale of indulgences...
5. Earlier, two men had stepped forward to challenge the church...
6. Another reformer, Jan Hus, was born in southern Bohemia about
7. These two men were some of the first and most influential...
8. Although scholars, priest and laypeople had criticized...
9. To Martin Luther, selling indulgences was sinful…
10. Luther’s theses were not intended for the common people of his
parish but for church leaders…
Page 451
11. Luther’s theses, as he had intended, stimulated a discussion...
12. Following the publication of the theses, Luther…
13. In 1520 Pope Leo X excommunicated Luther, or expelled…
14. The Holy Roman emperor handed the Edict of Worms…
15. In 1529, Charles V moved to suppress Lutherans in Germany.
Page 452
16. Martin Luther’s stand against the Roman Catholic Church…
17. Another Reformation priest, Ulrich Zwingli, was born in…
18. Many of Zwingli’s idea about religion were viewed as radical.
19. Although Zwingli’s movement gained support throughout...
20. Next to Luther, John Calvin was the most important Protestant…
21. Inspired by the ideas of Augustine, Calvin preached the doctrine…
22. Calvinism took root in Geneva, Switzerland and the city became a…
23. This strictness was actually the heart of Calvinism’s appeal.
24. Other reformers took the ideas of Martin Luther, Ulrich Zwingli,…
25. Another group separated itself from the Lutherans, Calvinist…
Page 453
26. The Protestant Reformation began with criticism of the…
to place Mary, Queen of Scots, on the throne.