Organism Portfolio: Life Science

Organism Portfolio: Life Science Mr. Peck’s Class
To show your mastery of the content which you have and will be exposed to, you
will create an Organism Portfolio. You will be expected to survey and identify a
wide range of organisms found in the SRMS environment, in Virginia, and anywhere
else to travel to record details and specimens as appropriate, and to demonstrate
an “in depth” collection, investigation, and analysis of at least five organisms (must
be in different phyla). Students can also conduct in depth investigations outside of
school, such as in a park or in a garden at home.
Much of the work can be accomplished in the Seneca Ridge area. However, to
demonstrate high quality work, it will probably be important to conduct some
investigation or collection work outside the school grounds.
One purpose of your portfolio is to “prove” to the scientific community that up to
five of your organisms you investigate in depth are indeed living things. This will
require that you show how the organism carries out each of the life processes,
including how it obtains its food, protects itself, and reproduces.
The portfolio will be summatively assessed throughout the term following the rubric
provided in a separate document. 14 specimens (2 in depth) by April 22, of which
7 specimens must be unique to the student’s portfolio – or not also used by another
student in that group. (50 points), 25 specimens by May 25, of which 14 must be
unique to the student’s portfolio, and 5 must be in-depth. (100 points)
The following guidelines apply:
Classroom instruction will focus on specific organisms to be viewed or
collected for each visit outdoors, but students should observe in other locations
too, and be prepared to research possible taxonomy both during class and
outside it as necessary.
Visit the water fountain and rest room visits before going outside.
Clean off shoes before re-entering the building.
Stay within eyesight of the teacher.
Avoid poison ivy.
No horseplay outdoors. No loud noises next to classroom windows or exit doors.
Safety Rules, Above All!