1._______________________________________________’s work explained the laws of motion and gravitation.
2.Portugal’s explorations were inspired by ___________________________________________________________
3.The _________________________________________________ was trade between America and Europe.
4.The selling of slaves from Africa became known as _______________________________________________
5._________________________________________ exchange of goods for slaves
6.In the triangular trade, ____________________ were exchanged for goods such as cotton and liquor.
7.Alchemist used spells and magic formulas to try to change everyday materials into __________
8. The reasons for explorations were:________________________________________________________________
9.__________________________________ found a route across the Indian Ocean to India.
10.Prince Henry, Dias, Vasco da Gama were explorers from ________________________
11.King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella financed the voyage for ________________________
12.The Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria were the ships for ______________________
13.Columbus thought he was in _________________________ and called the natives Indians.
14._______________________________ crossed over the Isthmus of Panama and claimed the South Sea (Pacific Ocean).
15.____________________________________________ was the first to sail around the world.
16.____________________________________ claimed Florida for Spain.
17._________________________________________________________ conquered the Aztecs.
18.____________________________________ became the most powerful country because of the gold found in the land
that they claimed.
19.The _____________________________________________ controlled the area called New Amsterdam by purchasing
Manhattan Island form the natives.
20.The Middle Passage became known as the transportation of ______________________________________________
21.Galileo proved Copernicus correct, with the aid of a _____________________________________________________
22.Bartolomeu Dias found ___________________________________________________________________________
23.Christopher Columbus intended to sail to _____________________________________________________________
24.Balboa’s important discovery was ___________________________________________________________________
25.The Aztecs were defeated by _______________________________________________________________________