English IV Common Core Standards


English IV Common Core Standards

Reading Literature - Key Ideas and Details

 RL 1. I can read critically.

 RL 2. I can identify and analyze themes/central ideas of a text.

 RL 3. I can analyze how an author’s choice of literary devices impacts a work of literature

Reading Literature - Craft and Structure

 RL 4. I can analyze author’s choice of diction

 RL 5. I can analyze the structure of a text.

 RL 6. I can assess how point of view and/or purpose shapes the content and style of works, including at least one satirical work.

Reading Literature - Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

 RL7. I can analyze multiple interpretations of a story, drama, or poem (recorded, live, written, artistic interpretation, criticism).

Reading Literature - Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity

 RL 10. I can read texts on or above grade level.

Informational Text - Key Ideas and Details

 RI 1. I can read critically.

 RI 2. I can identify and analyze central ideas of a text.

 RI 3. I can determine how specific ideas, individuals, or events relate to one another and develop throughout a text.

Informational Text - Craft and Structure

 RI 4. I can analyze how an author uses diction.

 RI 5a. I can analyze the structure of a text.

 RI 5b. I can evaluate the effectiveness of the structure of a text.

 RI 6a. I can assess how point of view and/or purpose shapes the content and style of works.

 RI 6b. I can analyze how style and content contribute to the impact of a text.

Informational Text - Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

 RI 7a. I can evaluate information from multiple sources in multiple formats.

 RI 7b. I can synthesize information from multiple sources in multiple formats

 RI 8. I can describe the logical and legal reasoning used in seminal (strongly influencing later developments) texts.

 RI 9. I can analyze major U.S. documents from seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth century for historical and literary significance.

Informational Text - Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity

 RI 10. I can read literary nonfiction texts on or above grade level.

Writing - Text Types and Purposes

 W1. I can write an argument to support a claim.

 W2. I can write to inform and explain complex ideas.

 W3. I can write a narrative that presents real or imagined experiences.

Writing - Production and Distribution of Writing

 W4. I can write clearly and coherently according to task and audience.

 W5. I can follow the steps of the writing process.

 W6a. I can publish my writing on various technological platforms.

 W6b. I can publish my writing for the purpose of collaboration and refinement of my final product

Writing - Research to Build and Present Knowledge

 W7. I can conduct research to gain understanding of a topic.

 W8a. I can collect relevant information from multiple print and digital sources.

 W8b. I can integrate the information into my writing

 W9. I can use grade-appropriate textual evidence to support my ideas about the assigned task.

Writing - Range of Writing

 W10a. I can write for a range of tasks and purposes.

 W10b. I can write consistently over varying time frames.

Speaking & Listening - Comprehension and Collaboration

 S&L1. I can participate in collaborative discussions.

 S&L2. I can view and listen to multiple and diverse sources in order to make informed decisions and solve problems.

 S&L3. I can evaluate a speaker’s stance.

Speaking & Listening - Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas

 S&L4a. I can present a claim and the research that supports it.

 S&L4b. I can construct presentations according to the task and audience.

 S&L5. I can use a variety of digital media to enhance the understanding of content and to engage the audience in the presentation.

 S&L6. I can adapt spoken language to meet the needs of a changing audience.

Language - Conventions of Standard English

 L1. I can use the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

 L2. I can use the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.

Knowledge of Language

 L3a. I can understand how language functions in different contexts.

 L3b. I can demonstrate an understanding of syntax’s effect on a text.

Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

 L4a. I can determine meanings of unknown and multiple-meaning words.

 L4b. I can correctly identify word patterns associated with specific parts of speech.

 L5. I can explain figurative language, word relationships, and nuances (subtle differences) in word meanings.

 L6a. I can acquire new vocabulary specific to the ELA classroom.

 L6b. I can independently acquire new vocabulary.
