GLOBAL CHANGES & CONTINUITIES: 1450 CE – 1750 CE WESTERN EUROPE EXPANDS ITS INFLUENCE Identify the critical changes & continuities for each of the following areas of the world during this period of expansion by the core nations of Western Europe. Consider to what degree each of the following interacted with Western Europeans. To what degree were they impacted during the early modern era? You will probably need more space than is provided here. INDIAN OCEAN TRADE NETWORK CHINA (Ming Dynasty) JAPAN p351, 355, 359, 356, 358, 364 p356-358, 496-498 p358, 500-502 Changes: Changes: Changes: Continuities: Continuities: Continuities: NORTH AMERICA p355-356, 361-364, 448-449 LATIN AMERICA p355-357, 359-361, 414-418, 436-440, 448-449 SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA p355-358, 364, 434, 441-442, 439-440, 448-449 Changes: Changes: Changes: Continuities: Continuities: Continuities: