Name: _______________________ SOL 7a: Study Guide What is on this test?

A New Nation Study Guide
Name: _______________________
SOL 7a: Study Guide
What is on this test?
SOL 7a: Articles of Confederation
- What were the basic weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation?
1) When was the Articles of Confederation written? _______________
2) Why did the colonies make the Articles of Confederation with a
weak National Government?
3) Name 5 weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation:
4) What is one good thing that came out of the Articles of
Confederation? __________________________________________
A New Nation Study Guide
Articles of Confederation & Constitution Chart - SOL 7a & 7b
Name ________________________________________ Date _________________
Place the letter of each of the following phrases in the box for the plan of government it
A. provided for a weak national government
B. shared power between the national government and the governments of the states
C. provided for no common currency
D. provided for an executive to carry out the laws
E. gave each state one vote regardless of its size
F. provided for a federal system of government
G. created a two house legislature
H. created a Supreme Court to determine if laws are unconstitutional
I. provided for no executive or judicial branch
J. gave Congress no power to tax
K. gave each branch ways to control and limit the other branches
L. based on the Virginia Plan
M. included a guarantee of individual rights
N. the first plan of government for the United States
O. the current plan of government for the United States