Thinking exercise (this is graded) Mini Journals Please answer two of the three questions with a two-paragraph (5 sentences) response on your own paper. When finished – please staple to this sheet. Why is failure an important part of life? What does it mean to be a role model? What is the best way to create change (not the money kind)? List 2 things – can be words or responses for each question. Words that describe your personality: Activities you do for fun: Activities you don’t like to do: Times you have succeeded at something: * * Times you have failed at something: * * Reasons you want to go to college (or military or workforce) * * Things that would even surprise your friends if they knew (keep it clean, please) * * People who have influenced your life * * Interesting things that have happened to you in your life * * Things you strongly believe in * * Place, location or situation in which you are completely at ease and why * * What marks a persons’ transition from childhood to adulthood * *