Evidence for Evolution to this Fossil Record

For Question # 5 Evidence for Evolution Giant Sloth Fossil Refer
to this
Fossil Record
Giant land sloth – “The Sloth which grew to be an enormous 20 feet in length thrived during the time of the Saber
Tooth Tiger and Dire Wolf. Unlike its living relative, the tree sloth, Megatherium americanum was one of the
largest mammals to walk the Earth. Weighing almost as much as an African bull elephant, it had huge claws on its
feet. These claws meant that it could not put its feet flat on the ground and so, like a modern anteater, it had to walk
on the sides of its feet. Its footprints show that it walked mainly on its hind legs. When it stood on its hind legs, it
was about twice the height of an elephant, or about twenty feet tall.” McMichael’s Fossils.
5. Evidence for Evolution: Fossil Record
Examine the picture of giant sloth fossil. What did a fossil like this tell Darwin and others about life in the past?