Part III: White Settlers and Africans in South Africa South Africa

Part III: White Settlers and Africans in South Africa
South Africa
►By 16th Century, ________________________ occupy southern East Africa
Chiefdoms varied in ________________________________
___________________  Competition and conflict
►1652- Dutch East India Company establishes the _______________________
Dutch __________________ local Africans
1760s Dutch cross ___________________
Dutch gov’t attempts to limit _____________________________, but fails
Boers move ___________, “___________________” to avoid gov’t regulations
Mfecane and Zulu Rise to Power
►1818 rule of _______________ people passes to ________________
►Shaka builds new __________________________________ organization (Zulu)
►Zulu begin __________________________ in 1840s
►Fighting between ________________ and ________________
►1870 _______________crushes Zulu and end Zulu Wars, the assert control over
Part IV: African Diaspora
►Slave trade links Africa to ___________________________
►Slavery is __________________ and _______________________
►_____________________: passage to Americas
►Slaves worked in __________________ and _______________________
►Hierarchy created by ______________________ to prevent uprisings
►People lose local African identity
Create new ____________________
Growth of _____________________ of runaway slaves