Name: ____________________________ Date: ____________ Per: ____________

Name: ____________________________
Date: ____________ Per: ____________
AP World History I
Chapter 4: Classical Civilization in the Mediterranean:
Greece and Rome
• By 550 BCE, __________________________ had established a massive empire
from the Middle East to ____________
• Tolerant of local _____________
• Development of ________________Greece
• Greeks were an indo-____________ people who took over the ______________
Peninsula by 1700 BCE
• Early kingdom of _________________- around 1400s
– Kingdom in Homer’s epics about the ________________ War
• Rapid rise in Greek Civilization from ____________ BCE to _________ BCE
Indo/European Migrations
Greek Development
• _______________ concept, rather than a single ___________- unit.
• Trade and ____________- flourished
• Alphabet based off of ______________ alphabet
• _____________ games
• Athens and Sparta become the two most _____________ city-states
• Sparta
• Strong military ________________ dominating a slave population
• Athens
• Strong commercial, _______________, and artistic state (also with slaves)
Athens and Sparta
• Both city-states cooperated between 500 and 449 to defeat a huge ___________
• After this, Athenian and Greek civilization in general reached its _____________
• In Athens, ______________ sets the model for democratic negotiation
Peloponnesian War
• 431-404 BCE
• ____________ v. Sparta
• ____________ technically wins, but both city-states are so weak that ambitious
kings from ____________ soon conquer the cities.
– ___________ II of Macedon
– ____________
Hellenistic Empire
• Alexander expands ____________ influence beyond the peninsula, to…
– Asia Minor
– ___________
– Middle East
– ___________• Short-lived…Alexander dies at ____ after _____ years of conquest.
• Greek Art and Culture merge with other ___________ ___________ forms during
this time period.
– ______________ flourished
– Important __________ centers were established like Alexandria, in Egypt
Greek Politics
• Politics comes from “_________,” Greek for “____________.”
Citizens felt that the state was theirs…rights and ___________________
– Participation in the ____________ too
• Diversity in ________________ forms
– Unlike China’s elaborate _______________
• “demos” = “the _____________”
– __________________
• General ________________ in which all citizens could participate
– Direct democracy…not elected _______________________-.
– Met every ________ days
– Only a ________________ were active participants
• The most widely preferred political framework centered on _____________
• Sparta: Singularly ___________________ aristocracy
• Other city states were aristocratic, but not necessarily bent on the impact of the
• Aristocracy comes from Greek terms, meaning “rule of the ___________”
Rise of Rome
• The Roman state begins around 800 BCE as a local _______________ in central
• The monarchy is driven from power in ____ BCE and the Roman _____________
was born
– Extends influence over the Italian _________________
• Roman conquest spread quickly during the ______________ Wars from 264 to
146 BCE.
– Fought armies of the ____________ city of Carthage under leadership of
– Romans seize the entire western _______________ along with Greece and
Rise of the Roman Empire
• Politics in Rome grew ________________
• ___________ Caesar takes power in 45 BCE
– Following his assassination, Augustus Caesar takes power in 27 BCE
• 200 years of peace, known as __________________ through the reign of Marcus
______________ in 180 CE.
Pax Romana
• _______________- maintains great vigor
• Spreads peace throughout the ________________- world
• Expansion of trade, culture, arts, __________________, etc.
Roman Empire
• Slow, decisive fall, lasting over _________ years, finally falling in _______ CE
• Emperor ______________ adopts Christianity as official religion in _______ CE
to attempt to unite empire
• Specifically in the western half of the Roman Empire, effective government
became _____________.
• Invasions from ________________ peoples from the north
• Loyalty of non-Roman ___________ recruits were suspect
Roman Politics
• In the Roman Republic, the ____________ guaranteed that citizens would gather
in periodic _______________
– To elect ____________ entrusted with the will of the common people
• Legislative body was the ____________
Roman Politics
Senate was comprised of mostly __________
Two ___________ shared primary _____________- power
• In times of crisis, the senate could choose a ______________ to hold
emergency powers
• ____________, a Roman Senator, engaged in ____________ theory by writing on
the issues of political __________, duties of citizens, and importance of
• Represents ________________, but with less hierarchy and obedience, or
____________________ virtues.
• During the Empire, the Roman ________________ became rather meaningless.
Roman Law
• By 450 BCE the Roman Republic introduced its form of codified law, the
– Restrain the __________ classes from arbitrary action against the _______
– Subject all citizens to ______________- legal principles.
– LAW takes over characteristics of ______________, fathers, or landlords
– _______________ sense doctrine…
• With citizenship in the Roman _____________- came full access to Romeappointed _____________- and uniform laws.
– _______________- rights
– commerce
The Roman State
• Placed great premium on military ______________-/conquest
– Roads/harbors (military/commerce)
– ________________
– Public ______________
– _______________ contests
– Theaters
– _____________________
Roman Religion
• Government sponsored official ________________- ceremonies etc, but were
tolerant of different strains
– Attacked _________________, but only because they didn’t put they
allegiance to the state first
• In difference to _____________ and India, the Romans did not create a “great
world __________________”
Greco/Roman Religion
• Christianity was aided by the ______________-, but was not a product of Rome.
• In Greco/Roman Religion, there was a complex system of ____________ and
– Names different, but organization the same…
• _________ or Jupiter: preside over the gods
• Apollo: __________
• ____________: Oceans
• Mars: __________
• ____________: Love/Beauty
• Other gods were patrons of other ______________ activities.
• Gods were depicted as _______________
• Gods did not necessarily elevate people to higher planes of _______________,
they merely regulated life…
– Lack of spiritual ______________
– Leaves a sense of _______________
• Leads to the development of __________________ as a separate form of thinking
and behavior regulation
Greco/Roman Philosophy
• Philosophers like ______________ and _______________ urge moderation an
balance in human ________________.
– _____________________ emphasize inner moral independence, strict
discipline of the body, and personal bravery…
– Will mix with __________________ later…
• Philosophy emphasized the power of individual ____________- thought…
– ___________________ (b. 469 BCE) encouraged pupils to question
conventional wisdom
• ________________ inquiry
– ______________ (student of Socrates) suggests that human __________
could understand the absolutely true, good, and beautiful.
Greco/Roman Intellectualism
• Not necessarily scientists…but emphasis on _____________ thought
– Try to find balance in the ______________…try to explain everything
– Theories…some ____________…about the motions of the planets,
elemental principles of ____________-, fire, air, and water.
– Impressive work in Geometry (________________ theorem)
• ____________________: produced an elaborate theory of how the sun revolves
around the earth
– ________________- theory (Hellenistic)
– Contradicts _________ _________ thought of the time
• More practical than the Greek…
– ______________ achievements
• ______________, aqueducts
• Arches
Greco/Roman Literature
• Music/___________ festivals
• Greek ______________– Comedy and ________________
– _______________: Oedipus Rex
– ____________-: Iliad and Odyssey
– Virgil: Roman ___________
Greco/Roman Aesthetics
• Greek artists excel in ________________ work
• Roman ______________ decorate the homes of the wealthy
• Greek columns develop three different ornamentations…
– __________– ____________
– ______________
• Roman architects adopt the Greek themes and use _______________ skill to
build upon them.
– Romans learn how to add _____________ to rectangular buildings
– Empire adopts a taste for ___________ monuments and public buildings
– Demonstration of the empire’s __________ and strength
The Greco/Roman Economy
• Substantial portion of the population were ___________- (not in the cities!)
– __________ soil conditions
Conversion of economy to ___________ economy because of the
wholesale production of olives and grapes.
– Required substantial ___________
• Conquered _____________- to get access to grain producing fields
– Sicily and Northern _____________
The Greco/Roman Economy
• Trade with civilizations outside of the Mediterranean was less _____________-…
– Goods were inferior to _____________ (China/Indian) goods
• Most traders were foreigners from the middle east, or descendants of
____________ and _________________.
• __________________ had higher status in Rome (forming class underneath
landed Patricians)
• Merchants fare better in the Mediterranean than they did in ______________
Greco/Roman Slavery
• Aristotle produced elaborate justifications for the use of _______________
– Athens used slaves for housekeeping and in silver __________
– Sparta uses slaves in _____________• Rome expands use of slavery, also as ______________ for children
• Neither Greece nor Rome was particularly interested in _______________
– Slave _______________ impacts this…
• The Mediterranean world lags behind ___________ and China in
__________________ innovation, which accounts for its trade imbalance with