K9 Korner Employee Handbook Table of contents

K9 Korner Employee Handbook
Table of contents
Introduction .............................................................................. 2
Employment Policies ................................................................. 4
Store Procedures ....................................................................... 7
Scheduling ............................................................................... 14
Spirit Box ................................................................................. 15
K9 Korner Promotions ............................................................. 16
Employee Evaluation and Grade ............................................. 16
VIII. Benefits of Working in the K9 Korner ..................................... 17
I. Introduction
The K9 Korner has been an internationally gold certified school based enterprise since
2006. The K9 Korner is located at Stone Bridge High School in Ashburn, Virginia. The K9
Korner is conveniently located at a high traffic intersection of two main hallways in the
academic wing, in room 401. The hours of operation are Monday through Friday 8:25 am until
8:55 am, Thursday nights before home varsity football games and for other special events.
The K9 Korner teaches the Advanced Marketing students how to operate and manage a
business, make a profit, and is incorporated into the course curriculum. The K9 Korner’s
success is based on the students’ motivation, commitment and training.
The three product lines at the K9 Korner are the “Official Bulldog Wear”, Spirit items
and Food. During football season (September-December) is when the K9 Korner makes most
of its money. Food items provide the K9 Korner with consistent sales and a dependable
customer base. A marketing plan is utilized to help increase traffic and sales. The K9 Korner
is very civic-minded and implements various community services projects throughout the year
which creates a favorable image for the store.
The K9 Korner utilizes the employee handbook to train student workers to ensure
quality customer service and knowledge of retail operations. The mission of the K9 Korner is
to “provide the students, parents and staff of Stone Bridge, with the Official Bulldog Wear, as
well as to strengthen school spirit, while utilizing marketing skills to earn a profit.” Our
employees ensure that this mission is carried out daily.
The students applying marketing skills learned in the classroom to operate the
K9 Korner to earn money that is put back into the store, the marketing program and Stone
Bridge DECA. The K9 Korner is the ultimate learn and earn experience for the students.
Mission Statement:
K9 Korner Mission
To provide the Stone Bridge community which consists of students, parents and
staff, with the Official Bulldog Wear, in order to strengthen school spirit while
utilizing marketing skills to earn a profit.
Organizational Chart:
Each shift has a senior manager, manager, a cashier and a sales associate. The
following identifies each job and describes their duties:
General Manager:
Sales Associate:
Facilitate and monitor entire store operations
Provide security
Ensure safety procedures are implemented
Provide instruction that students apply to store operations
Meet with General Managers on a regular basis
Oversee store operations
Implement marketing plan
Create shopping list for food items (Mondays)
Train employees
Direct daily operations
Evaluate employees
Assist where needed on sales floor
Operate register
Provide customer service
Windex all glass fronts
Provide customer service
Restock merchandise
Fold/refold and straighten merchandise
Dust fixtures and sweep (Wednesdays)
The following identifies the chain of command in the K9 Korner:
Marketing Teachers
General Manager
Sales Associate
To properly run a business it is necessary to have a team of employees that work well
together. You need to show up on time for your shifts and don’t leave someone else covering
your job. This will cause the stores performance to go down decrease employee morale and
affect your grade.
Everything in the school store is based around your attitude. Your attitudes are important
because of the large impact it has on your behavior. Your attitudes can make a difference
between your success and failure in just about anything you do! Leave your problems at the
II. Employment Policies
K9 Korner store hours are 8:25 am – 8:55 am daily. You are to arrive by 8:20am.
You are required to show up five minutes before your scheduled time to work. Should you be
absent any day you are on duty, your school store grade will be affected and TWO make-up
days will be assigned. If you are late, your grade will also be affected.
If you find out you are unable to work your shift find someone else to work for you. If you are
sick that day call in to let Mrs. Celio know.
1. If you are going to be absent on a day you are scheduled to work in the store, you
must find someone to work for you. Appointments, field trips, make up test, AP Testing
and club meetings (except DECA) are included.
2. If you are scheduled to work and you are ill you are still responsible for making up your
missed shift on another day. Please notify Mrs. Celio ASAP to determine your make up
day. Mrs. Celio will be checking the daily attendance roster to verify your absence.
Snow policy: Should school be closed due to inclement weather or other extenuating
circumstances you will NOT have to make up those days missed. Full credit will be given.
General Safety Responsibilities:
Horseplay or fighting of any kind.
Place all trash in the appropriate trash receptacle. Keep traffic areas clear.
In case of a fire or tornado follow the signs posted by the doors in the store.
Always use common sense and good judgment.
Be aware of what is going on at all times.
Personal Belongings:
When you come to work your shift in the school store you MUST put your backpack in the
marketing classroom or office. No jackets or hats allowed while working as well. Under no
circumstances should you have your purse or duffle bad at or behind the counter. Also you
should not be texting or talking on the phone while you are on school store duty.
Loss Prevention:
Employee Theft:
If an employee of the store is determined to be stealing merchandise or money from the K9
Korner, the following actions will all or in part take place:
Removal from the school store immediately (FOR GOOD!)
Loss of credit for the course and an “F” grade for the quarter
Disciplinary action from administration
Potential removal from the program, prosecution by school personnel and the police.
Banned from the school store, even as a customer.
If another employee is knowledgeable about thefts in the store and does not report the
matter to Mrs. Celio, that person will be dealt with in the same manner as the person
involved in the theft.
7. Student employees should report pressure from the customers or other employees to
give “discounts” or free items to them. K9 Korner expects 100% loyalty.
If you do see someone stealing or are aware of theft, please notify Mrs. Celio immediately.
Take note of the exact time and day. The student will be referred to Officer Fowler.
Retail Theft by Customers:
Shoplifting is a very serious problem. We are not in business to watch merchandise walk out
of the door without being paid for. We are in business to make a profit. If you see
someone stealing from the store, find out who they are if at all possible. One of the
employees would signal Mrs. Celio (or another marketing teacher if she is not available) for
help in assisting to stop the person who is to be questioned. If you do not approach the
student you should report the theft to Mrs. Celio immediately. Retail theft is a police matter
and Officer Fowler or an administrator will be called in to assist in the matter.
Music will be allowed in the store as long as it is kept at a low volume. The music must be
appropriate and not offensive. No music with “Parental Advisory” warnings allowed. Make
sure music choices are enjoyable to your target market. Remember, not everyone likes the
same type of music so have a variety. Our customers are our main priority. Also if the music
is too loud a teacher will come in and tell you to turn it down….so keep it at a low volume
Telephone Etiquette:
If the phone rings in the school store you are expected to answer it and to demonstrate
businesslike telephone etiquette. The way you answer the phone is very important; it will
leave an impression for the caller as well as an image about K9 Korner. The PROPER way to
answer the phone would be: “Thank you for calling the K9 Korner, this is
__________________. How may I help you?”
There will be no loitering in the store. If customers are loitering ask them to please move
along so that other students may use the store. Once a customer buys something, they should
also move along. Just because they bought something doesn’t mean they can hang around in
the store. If these people are your friends who come in to visit with you during the time you
are assigned to work, you better not let them loiter. I do not want to see anyone behind the
counter except Advanced Marketing students PERIOD!!
Miscellaneous Issues:
You are a representative of the store at all times. When you are not working, please act
mature. I don’t mind once you are done with all of your responsibilities if you do your
homework, however not at the risk of losing a customer. When a customer comes in you are
to stop what you are doing and assist them.
Do not cause problems for your fellow classmates/employees when they are working. BY THE
WAY, the only people who should be behind the counter are those employees who are
working. From time to time a manager may need to go behind the counter. BUT NO OTHER
STUDENTS should do behind the counter unless they are working or asked to help out by the
employees working at the time. You are responsible for the entire store while you are
working. Do not play with the cash register or allow other students to touch the machine.
Also make sure employees are not hovering over the register at the same time. Keep your
eyes on the customer at all times. It is your responsibility to make sure that our customers do
not rip us off. It only takes a second or two for one of them to take a pair of shorts or swipe
too many Slim Jims. So please keep your eye on them at all times!
III. Store Procedures
Your shift begins at 8:25 and ends at the first warning bell, 8:55. You are to report to the
school store no later than 8:20. Come to the marketing office to have Mrs. Celio open the
store and turn on the register for you.
Opening Procedures
1. Sign in on sign sheet.
2. If manager, open and count the drawer to
Verify $100 opening fund
3. At 8:25 prop open the door and turn on music
4. Windex all glass fronts
5. Fold/refold and straightened merchandise
6. Replenish merchandise
7. Dust fixtures and vacuum (Wednesday)
Opening cash
Total Cash in
Closing Procedures
1. Shut/lock door
Checks How many?
2. Turn off music
3. Empty trash can in Room 403
4. Sign off register
5. Create shopping list (Friday)
6. The manager will count the register during
his/her class period down to $100. The deposit
Currency Ones
bag will contain the profit. Leave the change
and small bills in the register. The only time you
may deposit change is if we have an abundance
of it. Make sure to fill out a cash report. Cash
reports are located under the cash register
Sample Cash Report
Cost of Items/Selling:
Selling is helping customers make satisfying buying decisions they will be happy with after the
sale. All merchandise is organized into three departments: bulldog wear, spirit items and
edibles (food). A price list is used to determine price since we do not have the ability to use
bar codes. It is critical that you know ALL prices for every item the school store carries. Using
the incorrect price will result in lost dollars for the customer AND/OR the school store.
All merchandise in the school store is organized by department and price. This helps with
inventory and organizational purposes. The following chart identifies price by department. It is
important for you to know these and use them properly.
DEPT 1 – Food Items
Crystal Light (each)
Nutrigrain bars
Kashi bars
DEPT 2 – Spirit Items
Spirit beads (2 for $1)
Food (all other)
Water bottle
Tube Socks
Slurpy cups
Beachcomber bag
Drawstring bag
Key strap lanyard
Lace lanyard
Neck tie
Car Magnet
Woven Lanyard
Stadium chair
Ski hat + scarf + mitten
Eye strap
DEPT 3 – Clothing Items
Kids t-shirt
Youth football jersey-navy
Short sleeve T-shirts
Long sleeve t-shirt
Mesh short
Wool fitted hat
Ski hat
Youth hoodie
Sweatpant (open or closed)
Pink ladies football jersey
Printed Hooded sweatshirt
Applique sweatshirt
Ski hat + scarf + mitten
Softshell jacket (men’s & women’s)
Men’s ¼ zip - NAVY
Varsity Letter jacket (men’s &women’s)
Ladies NIKE ¼ zip – grey, pink, grey
POS Register Operation:
The POS computerized register is easy to use. The following is used in training on the
register. You will need to become familiar with this information to successfully operate
the register.
Register (POS) Operation (Register must be on REG 1)
Ringing a sale:
Enter item price of item, and then the department # (will be 1, 2 or 3 on white
buttons). Continue this process for each item. Then hit the Subtotal key and tell
customer their total. Once you receive cash or check, enter amount given and hit
the appropriate key cash (CA/AT/NS) or check (CHK). If cash, the register will
tell you how much change the customer is owed.
Error in ringing:
Immediately after entering a wrong code hit the item price and department then
hit the VOID key and the item price and department just entered will be
subtracted out. If error occurred but the subtotal key had been hit then you must
ask Mrs. Celio for help.
Discounted item:
Enter item price of item, then the department # (will be 1, 2 or 3 on white
buttons). Then hit MDSE SBTL key then amount of discount (10, 20, etc) and
press the % key and finally CA/AT/NS key. Enter item department # as done
above, then hit the percentage number and next hit the % Key. The register will
automatically calculate the percentage off the item. You must do this procedure
for each discounted item.
Sign Off:
Enter clerk number 02 for store manager or 03 for associate then hit CLK #
button. You must sign off at the end of your shift.
N/S Key:
Should NEVER be used by an associate, ONLY the manager or teacher.
It’s time to ring the sale:
Ringing up a sale is very easy with our POS computerized register. Just follow these
1. Log on (only one employee will sign on the register at the beginning of their
2. Find price of item on price list or on merchandise price tag
3. Enter price and dept. # (if more than one of the same item are purchased you
may continue to hit the dept. # button the number of times that equals the
number of items AFTER the price has been entered the first time)
4. Once you have completed entering each piece of merchandise you will hit the
5. Accept payment from the customer and hit the total key.
6. Enter the dollar amount they gave you and press the type of payment they
(CA for CASH, CK for Check)
7. Count back the appropriate change indicated on the screen
8. Bag their merchandise, give receipt (if used)
9. Thank the customer
10. That’s it! You are ready for your next customer
If you run into a problem please ask the manager or Mrs. Celio.
The POS cash register drawer should be arranged like the illustration below:
gift certificates
void slips
$50/$100 bills
Half dollars
Silver dollars
Susan B’s
Accepting Checks:
We will only accept checks and cash. Accept checks for the amount of purchase ONLY!
Also make sure the customer has filled out the check correctly. The payee of the check
should be STONE BRIDGE HIGH SCHOOL or SBHS. Make sure when you accept a
check, put your initials in the right hand side of the check. Make sure the check is
completely filled in and ring the sale as you normally would (Steps 1-5). At step 6 you
will choose the CK button. Put the check in the far left money slot in the cash drawer.
DO NOT place the check under the drawer.
A starter
checks does
not have the
name or a
number on
Stone Bridge High School
When accepting a check use the following procedures:
A. The Check Number – the school store cannot accept starter checks. Starter
checks are the checks that banks issue to new accounts while customers are
waiting for their new checks to come in the mail. They do not have preprinted
names, addresses, phone numbers or check numbers. WE CANNOT ACCEPT
B. Preprinted name, street address and phone number – All of which should
be professionally printed on the check (by the company that printed the checks).
C. Amounts shown on the check should match – You must check that the
numerical dollar amount matches the written amount for every check.
Sometimes a person will accidentally write different amounts on the check.
Watch for this! Please ask the customer to write the exact amount of purchase
only. Also no check will be accepted for more or less than amount owed.
D. The date should be correct – Checks dated in advance of the current date are
called postdated. These checks cannot be cashed until the date shown on the
check. This means we have to hold that check for some period of time. This is
NOT something we want to do. WE DO NOT accept postdated checks.
E. The payee of the check should be Stone Bridge High School or SBHS –
All funds received by the store go into the School Store Account in the
bookkeeper’s office. Do NOT accept checks made out to “cash” or someone else
(this is also known as a two party check). We do NOT accept two-party checks.
F. All checks must be signed by the maker – Sometimes students have checks
already signed by their parents. These checks are acceptable.
Debit? Credit?:
There is no exception for charge or debit. We do not accept either in the K9 Korner. If
a customer questions this policy please tell them that all our financial procedures fall
under the school as well as county policies. The school cannot accept credit or debits
therefore neither can the K9 Korner. Café Prepay in the cafeteria is not available for our
However, the spirit box in the main lobby has K9 Korner Cash that can be redeemed in
the store. The spirit box accepts debit and credit cards. Therefore a customer may
purchase K9 Korner Cash certificates in the amounts of $5, $10, or $20 increments from
the spirit box and use them in the store.
Gift Certificates and redemption:
Gift certificates are available in the school store for any dollar amount. All certificates
are to be issued by Mrs. Celio. How to redeem a gift certificate: Once the sale has
been totaled and a gift certificate presented to you by the customer, hit the button.
Mark on the certificate VOID, date, and sign your name and place in under the change
drawer in the register.
The K9 Korner
Room 401
This certificate entitles
bearer to
Authorized by
Stocking merchandise will be the responsibility of the managers as well as the
employees (you). The back stock, except candy, is generally locked in the cabinets
(space permitting). As an employee you have the following responsibilities:
all the stock facing the customers
the stock neat
all sizes of merchandise on the floor
store looking neat at all times
Checking in merchandise:
Once in a while you may have to check in merchandise that has just arrived in the
store. Checking in merchandise requires you to do several things. Note the packing
slip. The important things to look for are: 1) the quantity ordered and the quantity
shipped is identical. Sometimes the company thinks they sent us the amount we
ordered when they did not. Count all merchandise to determine if we actually received
the quantity we are being billed for. Don’t Assume! 2) watch for damaged merchandise.
Don’t assume everything in the order is ok. Examine the items/merchandise. Notify
Mrs. Celio of any items that are damaged. Also note on the packing slip if there are
discrepancies in quantity ordered vs. received.
It is the responsibility of all store personnel to make sure that the store is neat and
clean at all times. No one likes to shop in a pigsty! Everyone likes to shop in a neat
and well-kept store. Take it upon yourself to clean fingerprints on the display cases and
organize things around the cash register. Dust when needed. There is also a broom and
dust pan in the store so the floor should be swept periodically. Keep the store looking
good and keep busy!
Holding Merchandise:
No merchandise leaves the store without being paid for. We will hold items for 24 hours
ONLY. Put the person’s first and last name on a piece of paper taped to the bag of
item(s) and place behind the counter. If you see any merchandise being saved past the
24 our period, return it back out on the floor.
K9 Korner does not offer refunds. The customer may exchange the item for another
item or items that total the amount of the item being exchanged. No cash will be
refunded. If the customer cannot find another item to exchange then a gift certificate
will be issued in the amount to be redeemed at a later date.
The person (customer or employee) who created the problem will pay for damages to
the store and its contents. If you find a product that is damaged, please give the
product and a note regarding the damage to Mrs. Celio as soon as possible.
Customer Service:
As employees of K9 Korner, customers are our main priority. Be aware of customers
when they enter the store and greet them. Customers deserve your full attention. We
must remember to be friendly to the customers. PUT ON A SMILE. Make sure when
you talk to a customer; even if they are having a bad day and/or upset about
something; treat them nicely and with respect. So make sure that every customer feels
welcome at K9 Korner.
Things to remember:
Greet every customer
Call people by name
Be friendly and helpful
Be polite and courteous
Do not use inappropriate language
Be alert
Thank every customer
A positive customer service attitude begins with a service provider’s ability to be
approachable. Being approachable makes the customers feel that you are available to help
solve a problem or answer a question. A positive customer service attitude depends upon
the ability of the service provider to make the customer feel comfortable. Smiling at
customers as soon as you see them can go a long way toward making customers feel
If someone makes a complaint, be friendly and try to take care of the problem. When
receiving a complaint from a customer, write down their names and inform the school store
manager on duty or Mrs. Celio. Always be courteous to them and tell them that we will do
our best to help them with their complaint.
NOTE: While on duty you will be required to demonstrate good customer relation skills. You will
need to be a people person. You will refrain from having personal and/or inappropriate
conversations while customers are in the store. You are working while on school store duty and
therefore this is not a time to socialize with your friends. Inappropriate behavior or language will
not be tolerated. Any complaints about an employee will reflect upon his or her grade.
Ordering for other groups or activities:
K9 Korner will order merchandise for groups and activities but there will be a mark-up that
is reasonable and fair to the group and to the school store.
Each student will be required to work five consecutive mornings (30 minute each) one
time the entire school year and act as store manager or at an after school hours store
function such as Back to School Night (Sept), the night before a home football game (Sept,
Oct, Nov) or the Evening of Shopping (Dec). In addition each student must sign up to work
three days every nine-week period in the role of sales associate.
How to sign up for work:
During the first week of class you will be
given a calendar of the first nine weeks
of school. You will be asked to sign up
for your school store days for that
quarter. At the end of the quarter the
following quarter’s calendar will be
provided for you to sign up for the next
marking period and so forth. Once the
calendar is set for the quarter it will be
posted on the door leading into the
school store from the classroom.
Keeping Track of Your Time:
Working in the school store means that you are
trusted and expected not to be late. You should
have the day(s) you are scheduled to work
marked in your agenda.
Signing in is easy…
You will sign in on the sign in sheet located on a
clipboard behind the wrap desk. You will put the
date, time in and print your name when you arrive.
At the end of your shift you will put the time out and
sign your name before leaving the store.
Remind 101:
If you choose to join the Advanced Marketing Remind 101 you will receive a text on
Sunday evenings with the upcoming weeks schedule as a reminder.
Spirit Box
The spirit box is a vending machine for spirit items and apparel from the K9 Korner. It will
act as an extension of our store which accepts debit cards, credit cards and cash. It will be
the Advanced Marketing students to maintain the upkeep of the spirit box.
Responsibilities will include:
 Promotion
 Cash management
 Programming machine
Policies and procedures for the spirit box are as follows:
1. The general manager will be responsible for the
overall upkeep and maintenance of the spirit box.
2. Advanced Marketing students will be assigned
specific times to pack, stock and promote the spirit
box as designated by the teacher.
3. There is a camera above the spirit box that records
the area around the spirit box. Therefore it is wise
to realize that we can review the recordings for
anything that occurs while the spirit box is in use or
open while upkeep is in progress.
4. The spirit box takes credit, debit or cash. However it
does not take American Express or MC debit cards.
5. If a customer makes a cash transaction, the change
made from the box will be given in One Dollar coins,
quarters or nickels only. No paper money is
dispensed as change.
6. K9 Korner Cash are certificates in the denominations
of $5, $10 and $20 that may be purchased from the
machine. These certificates can then be used in
exchange for merchandise in the school store.
Spirit Box Schematic
Ultimately YOU will be held responsible for the success of the spirit box.
VI. K9 Korner Promotions
Promotions help increase awareness and sales in the store and spirit box to the entire Stone
Bridge community. A variety of techniques and media are available for use.
When deciding on advertising, remember that the majority of our advertising is through
posters/signs, word of-mouth, morning announcements, the display case, the school’s
webpage, the Bulldog Times and occasionally the Bulldog Tribune. The slogans on these
advertisements need to be school appropriate. The use of alcohol, drugs, tobacco and other
inappropriate topics is not permitted. Use common sense when choosing a slogan and
graphics. Ask Mrs. Celio if you have any questions. One of the most important parts of
advertising is your creativity.
K9 Korner Social Media:
The school store does have a webpage link on the Stone Bridge Website. This site needs a
major overhaul. Anyone interested in helping update the webpage please let Mrs. Celio
know. Other social media such as Twitter, Instagram, etc may be used however will it fall
under the scrutiny of the school. The K9 Korner does not have its own social media accounts
but this is open for review. Again, use common sense when choosing social media, slogans
and graphics.
Display case:
The display case located at the intersection of the 400 and 300 hallway is designated for
school store merchandise as well as used for DECA promotions. As an employee of the K9
Korner you will be assigned to create an eye catching, creative display for a specific month
or time period.
VII. Employee Evaluation and Grade
Each quarter 20% of your class grade will be based on your performance as an employee of
the school store and spirit box activities. Working in the school store is REQUIRED of
ALL Advanced Marketing students. The grade is determined by the number of days you
work based on your school store sign up. Other factors include number of tardies, no
shows, leaving early, etc. If an employee does not show up when scheduled to work they
lose points. For every one day missed an employee must work TWO days to make up for it.
This will have a negative effect on their grade. They also will not be able to work extra
credit in the school store. A quarterly assessment document will be used to rate your
performance as K9 Korner employee.
Extra credit opportunities:
As soon as you have worked your required shifts, you will have the opportunity to work in
the schools more and receive extra credit. For each additional shift you work you can earn
50 additional points to the school store portion of the class grade. The maximum number of
extra credit points you can receive for the school store is 150.
VIII. Benefits of Working in the K9 Korner
The K9 Korner is an excellent opportunity to get students involved in DECA and provides
transferrable skills. Here's how the K9 Korner benefits the students:
Customer service experience:
Students are provided customer service training by working in the school store. Students will
have the opportunity to become customer service certified in the 4th quarter by taking the
National Retail Federations Customer Service and Sales Certification test.
Resume Experience:
Employers seek applicants with job experience and responsibility. Students who are involved
in the management of the school store will jump start their resume. The K9 Korner provides
the perfect opportunity to gain retail work experience. This is convenient for the student and
beneficial for the school.
Mrs. Celio will provided letters of recommendation or can be used as a reference for future
employment applications and resumes.
Focusing On Student Interest:
The K9 Korner opens up opportunities for students to work within their preferred disciplines
such as advertising, merchandising, selling, promotion, product/service planning and more.
Students can create a promotional campaign, manage the store’s financial reports and
create videos featuring the school store to help create store awareness. A great idea for a
DECA project!
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