The Era of Western Hegemony, 1750-1900
The Enlightenment: What was it?/Philosophers + key ideas for each: John Locke, Francois Voltaire, Baron de Montesquieu
Atlantic Revolutions (1775-1830): American colonial subjects led a series of rebellions, which facilitated the emergence of
independent states in the US, Haiti, and mainland Latin America. French subjects rebelled
against their monarchy.
 Order of Atlantic Revolutions: American, French, Latin American (Haitian, Spanish America, Brazil)
 Increasing questions about political authority and growing nationalism contributed to anticolonial movements
Haitian Revolution (1791-1804)
 Causes & Effects
 Toussaint L’Ouverture + role?
 Slave resistance challenged existing imperial authorities or elites in the Americas
 Why was the Haitian Revolution feared by Creole elites in Latin America?
Latin American Revolutions (1810-c1822)
 Motivations for Latin American Revolutions?
 How did the Napoleonic Wars in Western Europe set in motion the Latin American Revolutions?
 LA Revolutionary Leaders: Mexico: Hidalgo & Iturbide/Northern South America: Bolivar/Southern South America: San
Martin/Brazil: Dom Pedro I
o Most LA Revolutionary leaders were landowning creoles
 How did Brazil’s independence differ from the rest of LA?
 What was the nature of these new LA governments?
o Who held suffrage rights in LA nations?
Latin America After Independence, c1820-c1910
 Problems facing new LA nation states?: weak democratic republics/liberals vs. conservatives/federalists vs.
centralists/monarchists vs. anti-monarchists/caudillos/economic dependency on W.Eur & USA/foreign intervention in LA
affairs/civil war/poverty
 Who were “caudillos”?
 Examples of major raw material exports from LA nations + From which nation did major products originate?
 Define key political concepts and points of disagreement: Liberals & Conservatives/Centralists & Federalists
 What was the status of Native Americans (Indians) in these new LA nations?
 Compare/contrast features of Brazil after independence w/other LA nations
 What happened to slavery in the new Spanish nation states of LA?
 What factors motivated the abolition of slavery in Brazil in 1888?
 Mexico as case study for a new Latin American nations:
o Problems/US involvement/Benito Juarez & “La Reforma”/caudillos/Porfirio Diaz/Economic structure
 USA’s growing role in LA by the late 1800s?
o Manifest Destiny, Monroe Doctrine, Mexican-American War  Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, 1848 (Results?), SpanishAmerican War, 1898 (Results?), Panama Canal, “Banana Republics”, investment in railroads
Societies at Crossroads: Responding to the West & Industrialization
 Identify major internal and external problems the Ottoman Empire faced by the early 1800s?
 Ottomans = multicultural empire
 How did industrialization in Western Europe undermine the Ottoman economy?
 Examples of nationalist independence movements from the Ottoman Empire, early 1800s: Greece, Balkans (ex. Serbia)
 Britain supported the Ottoman Empire in order to prevent Russia from expanding against it in the process of moving
toward the Mediterranean? (ex. Crimean War, 1853-1856)
 Identify and explain the selective-westernizing reforms of the Ottoman Empire under:
o Sultan Mahmud II
o **Tanzimat Reforms, 1839-1876
o Young Turks, 1908-1914
 In what ways did Sultan Abdul Hamid take action to return to absolutist rule in the late 1800s-early 1900s?
 Explain the Young Turk Coup of 1908 against Sultan Abdul Hamid
 What was not altered about Ottoman society despite some westernizing reforms?
 Identify major internal and external problems Russia faced by the early 1800s
 Russia = multicultural empire
o Russia faced similar nationalist movements for independence as the Ottomans, but these were usually crushed.
 What impact did the Crimean War have on Russia?
 Identify & explain the selective-westernizing reforms of Russia under Alexander II (r.1855-1881)
What was the purpose behind the emancipation/abolition of the serfs?
o What were the limits on the abolition of serfdom?
Alexander II abolished Russian serfdom in 1861!
In Russia and Meiji Japan, industrialization was initially prompted and guided the central government (the state)! (not
private initiative like earlier in W.Europe and USA)
Evidence of Russian industrialization
Labor and urban conditions under Russian industrialization + Effects of this?
Significance of the Trans-Siberian Railway
Motivations for Russian imperial expansion into East Asia (ex. Manchuria)?
Despite major economic reforms and the emancipation of serfs, Russia’s czars attempted to hold on to their autocratic
power  Russian citizens unhappy & want political reforms & Enlightenment rights
o Radical groups formed (ex. Anarchists & Bolsheviks (Marxists))
Czar Nicholas II
o Russo-Japanese War, 1904-05: Causes? Effects?
o Revolution of 1905: Goals? Results? How did Czar Nicholas II respond to the political reforms that he initiated?
 Constitution & Duma
 Continued political dissatisfaction with Czar Nicholas II would lead to another revolution in 1917!
Qing China
 Identify major internal and external problems Qing China faced by the early 1800s
 Qing China = multicultural empire + Qing dynasty = “barbarian” dynasty (Manchus, not ethnic Chinese)
 Before 1800s, China had a favorable balance of international trade (like it held since the Classical era)
o How did the British change this situation? Importation & sales of illegal opium
o How did Qing respond to opium importation?
o First Opium War, 1839-42: Why did Britain win? + Outcomes of the war?
o “Unequal Treaties”: meaning?
 Treaty of Nanjing: What were terms of treaty?
o Spheres of Influence: meaning?
 Foreign nations that established spheres of influence in Qing China?
 Taiping Rebellion, 1850-1864: Causes? Hong Xiuquan’s role? Effects?
 “Self-Strengthening Movement”, 1861-1895
o What was it?
o Successes?
o Why did it fail to succeed on a national level?
 Role of Empress Cixi?
 Boxer Rebellion, 1899-1900: Causes? Effects?
 Evidence of China’s failure to industrialize?
Identify major internal and external problems Tokugawa Japan faced by the early 1800s
Tokugawa Japan had been in isolation since the 1630s.
How did the arrival of US Commodore Perry at Tokyo Harbor in 1853 impact Japan?
Meiji Restoration, 1868!
o What was it? What political changes occurred as a result of the Meiji Restoration?
o What reforms were initiated by the new Meiji government?
 Economic
 Industrialization (state-initiated & guided)
 Infrastructure?
 Evidence of this? (ex. Zaibatsus)
 Social
 Abolished feudal system
 Why were peasants freed from their feudal obligations? (compare to Russia)
 What new roles did former daimyo & samurai take?
 Political
 Examples of selective westernization? + limitations to westernization
 Japan’s government was further centralized
o Which religion made major gains during the Meiji Restoration?
o Japan became imperialistic in East Asia (ex. Manchuria & Korea) & Pacific: motives + examples?
 Russo-Japanese War, 1904-05: impact for Japan?