Northern Renaissance

Northern Renaissance
By the 15th century, Renaissance ideas had spread to ______________,
__________________, ___________________, and ______________________ (Netherlands)
Northern Renaissance Begins
• After the ________________________ ended in 1453, the merchant class gained
enough wealth to be able to sponsor artists
• Unlike in Italy, which was split up between city-states, France and England
were united under ___________________________________ whose monarchs also
enjoyed Renaissance art
Artistic Ideas Spread
• 1494 a French king claimed the throne of _______________, Italy and launched an
invasion through North Italy.
• As the war continued, many artists fled Italy in search of safety and ended up
spreading Renaissance ideas
• Northern European artists who studied in Italy also carried back Renaissance
culture with them.
German Painters
• ________________________ traveled to Italy in 1494 to study art
• When he returned home to Germany and produced __________________ and
____________________ displaying Renaissance technique
• Durer’s works influenced ___________________________________
• Holbein specialized in painting ___________________
• Hans migrated to England to paint King ____________________ and his family
toward the end of his career
Flemish Painters
• Jan van Eyck used ___________________ paints
• The oil paint allowed artists to create a variety of base colors by applying
layer upon layer of paint
• In 1550 Pieter Bruegel brings Flemish art to its climax through his depictions
of everyday _______________ life (weddings, dances, and harvests)  seemed
like a real portrayal of life
Northern Writers Try to Reform Society
• Humanists criticize the Church for failing to inspire people to live a Christian
life  push for ________________________________
• Focus of this mvmt was the reform of society
• Wanted to reform education to include _________________
Christian Humanists
• Bests known humanists were _____________________________ of Holland and
_________________________ of England
• In 1509, Erasmus wrote _______________________________, which poked fun at
greedy merchants, heartsick lovers, conflicted scholars, and pompous priests
• Erasmus believed in Christianity of the heart, not of ceremony  believed
reading the _____________ was necessary to improve society
• Thomas More wrote _________________, which depicts a place where there was
little _______________ and need for money was minute
Women’s Reforms
• The few families who could afford to educate their children only sent their
• __________________________, a highly educated woman, spoke out about this
• She was the first European woman to speak out about the different treatment
of ___________ and ____________
Elizabethan Age
• The Renaissance spread to England around the mid 16th century, and was
named after __________________________________ (r. 1558-1603)
William Shakespeare
• Most famous writer of Elizabethan Age was _____________________
• His works displayed a masterful command of the English language and a
deep understanding of human beings
• His most famous works are ______________, ___________________, Othello,
___________________________, and King Lear
Painting Spreads Renaissance Ideas
• Chinese invent ____________________________, in which a printer carved latters on
a block and then painted them, which was then used to print on paper
Gutenberg Improves the Printing Press
• Block printing came to Europe, but was too slow to publish books at the
demand Europeans were requesting them
• Around 1440, ___________________________ (German) invents the
• The printing press made publication of books easier and cheaper
• In 1455, Gutenberg printed a complete ______________ Gutenberg Bible
• Books become more common, and ________________________ among the lower
classes increased
Legacy of the Renaissance
• European Renaissance marked a break from the medieval-period ideals that
were focused on the __________________
• Belief in the dignity of the individual led to ______________________ ideas
• Impact of the printing press continued to be huge
Changes in the Arts
• Art drew on styles from classical ________________ and _________________
• Paintings/sculptures were more _______________ and lifelike
• Arts praised individual _____________________
Changes in Society
• Printing changed society by making more information available for cheap to
the masses
• Published accounts of new discoveries, maps, and charts led to further
• Published legal proceedings made the laws more concrete
• Humanists changed the view of how Christians should live their lives