Personal Selling Marketing Co-Op

Personal Selling
Marketing Co-Op
Personal Selling
Any form of ____________ ____________ between a salesperson and a customer
How is it different from other forms of promotion?
Types of Selling
Retail Selling – unique because customers have to _________________________
Sales person must be available to _____________ ________________ about the
product or service
Business to Business – sales between _______ _____________________
Inside Sales - usually takes place in the ____________________ or wholesaler’s
Outside Sales – usually takes place in the __________________ place of business
Requires that sales representatives contact businesses
Call to make an _____________________________
____________________ – show up unannounced
Telemarketing – the process of selling over the _____________________
The _________ _______________ telemarketers from calling any number on the
Goals of Selling
The purpose and goals of selling are the ____________ no matter the _____________
Help customers make _________________ ____________ _______________, which create
ongoing, profitable relationships between the buyer and seller
______________ __________________ is crucial to the success of any company
Consultative Selling
Providing solutions to customers’ problems by finding products that
Feature-Benefit Selling
Matching the __________________ of a product to a customers’ needs and wants
How will the ______________ _______________ provide benefit to the customer?
Product Features
The _____________, physical, or ________________ attributes of the product
Physical features of a product differentiate _________________ ______________ and
When buying a car one might consider
• Engine type
• Gas consumption
• Appearance
• Stereo system
• Tires
• Anti-lock brakes
• Number of passengers it hold
Product Benefit
The __________________ or personal __________________ a customer will get from a
good or service
Customer Buying Motives
A salesperson must know what _________________ customers to buy
Rational Motives – _______________, ____________ reason for a purchase
Emotional Motives – a _________________ experienced by a customer through
____________________ with a _________________
Rational Motives
Examples of Rational Motives
Time or monetary savings
Health or safety considerations
Emotional Motives
Examples of Emotional Motives
Social Approval
Customer Decision Making
Different customers require different levels of _________________ when shopping
How they make these decisions is based on several factors
Previous experience with product or company
How often they purchase the product
The perceived risk involved in the purchase
Types of Decision Making
Extensive – when there has been __________________ previous experience with a
__________________ or company
• __________ degree of risk
• It is very expensive or has high value
• Examples – ______________________________________________________
Limited – when the customer has purchased the product ______________, but not
__________ degree of risk
Customer needs more information before purchasing
Examples – ______________________________________________________
Routine – when the customer needs ____________ information about the
____________ degree of risk because it is ________________
It is purchased _____________ so the customers trust the product
Examples – ______________________________________________________