(NAME: ______________________________) SOUTH IREDELL HIGH SCHOOL HOSA CONTRACT FOR MEMBERSHIP As a member of HOSA, I understand that my obligation to my student organization is to be committed as a member and to put forth the required time and effort ALL year. I have fully read the By-Laws on the HOSA web page and understand them. Upon full payment of my HOSA dues, if requested, a paper copy of the By-Laws will be given to me. HOSA meetings are scheduled during “A” SMART lunch on Thursdays, dates posted on the web page and throughout the school. I understand that if I miss 3 meetings, I lose the opportunity to participate in any HOSA activities as noted per the By-Laws. I understand that I must plan my Thursday SMART lunches accordingly. This contract is effective immediately upon receipt of HOSA dues and must be signed by the HOSA member, parent and HOSA Advisor. __________________________________________ (Student PLEASE Print) ________________________________________ (Student Signature) __________________________________________ (Parent Signature) ______________________________________________ (Date) ______Request copy of written By-Laws please ________________________________________ (Advisor)