Unit I: Careers in Biomedical Technology

Unit I: Careers in Biomedical Technology
BT09.01: Investigate laboratory careers and science.
Laboratory careers and science
A.Clinical laboratory science
a. Pathologist- examines tissues, lab tests, interprets results to
facilitate pt. dx & tx
b. Medical Technologist - (Clinical Laboratory Scientist) examines
body fluids & tissues to determine presence of bacteria
c. Phlebotomist- draws blood for tests (venipuncture)
2.Associated terminology
a. Microorganisms – organisms requiring microscopic viewing
b. Hematology – study of blood and blood diseases
d. Pathogens – harmful organisms (viral or bacterial)
e. Histology – the study and analyzation of material removed from
dead or living patients
B. Life Science
1. General information
a. Life scientists or researchers study living organisms and life
b. Many opportunities in research and development in health care
c. Masters or doctoral level
2. Specific careers
a. Microbiologist – spends most of the day looking through a
b. Virologist – one who studies viruses
d. Biochemist – one who studies the chemical nature of living things
Competency BT09.00: Discuss careers and techniques that use biomedical
BT09.02: Discuss imaging careers and technology.
Imaging careers and technology
A. Medical imaging
1. Radiography – the art of taking pictures of skeletal & soft tissue with
2. Radiologic technologists (Radiographers, x-ray techs)- one who takes xrays
a. Responsibilities – take pictures of skeletal structures & perform
soft tissue studies
b. Radiation exposure
(1) Film badge – dosimeter- measures radiation exposure
(2) Government regulates exposure
3. Radiologist – MD that reads radiographs & reports findings
4. Nuclear medicine technologist (NMT) – one who produces images using
radionucleide substances
5. Ultrasound technologist (Medical sonographer) – one who produces
images using sound waves
B. Related imaging personnel
1. Physicist – one who studies physics which is the science that deals with
matter, energy, motion, and force.
2. Medical dosimetrist – one who studies the effects of radiation
3. Electrocardiograph technician (EKG) – one who uses a EKG monitor
which records the electrical activity of the heart
4. Echocardiography – the use of sound waves to produces images of the
5. Electroencephalograph technician (EEG) - one who uses a EEG monitor
which records the electrical activity of the brain
Objective BT09.03: Describe environmental careers, resources and hazards.
Environmental careers, resources, and hazards
A. Nutrition services/Dietician – expert in the field of health & nutrition who
promotes healthy eating habits, gives dietary advice, developes specialized diets
B. Environmental control
1. Environmental engineer – responds to challenges posed by growing
population,& land use. Develops ways to better maintain &use the
2. Health and regulatory inspectors – those that make sure adherence to
governmental policy. eg. EPA, FDA
3. Sanitarian – public health inspector who visits busineses to check
governmental compliance
C. Other support service personnel
1. Biomedical equipment technician – installs, maintains repairs, test &
calibrates patient care equipment
2. Central service technician – decomtaminates, packages, sterilizes &
distributes instruments & supplies. Cleans and maintains sterilizer systems
D. Environmental resources and hazards
1. Environmental control
a. Biosphere – region of the earth occupied by living things
b. Ecosystems (ecology) – biological community of organisms & their
c. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) – functions to protect the
environment by making sure environmental standards are achieved
d. Diseases and health conditions linked to environment
(1) Emphysema – lung disease where alveoli are damaged
(2) Lead poisoning – occurs with the absorption of high levels
of lead into the body
(3) Carbon monoxide poisoning – the inhalation & absorption
of CO a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas that is slightly less dense than air. It
is toxic to humans and animals. Displaces O₂ in blood
(4) Lung cancer – out of control abnormal cell growth , Nucleus
of cell is changed
Objective BT09.04: Outline biotechnology careers and genetics.
Biotechnology careers and genetics
A. Biotechnologist
1. Development of cloning and recombinant DNA techniques of gene
2. Safety guidelines established by the National Institutes of Health
a. Laminar flow hoods to vent and filter air
b. Strict sterilization
c. Careful planning to ensure all microorganisms are harmless
3. Biotechnology rapidly making complex advances
4. Over 1000 biotech companies in U.S., most working in diagnostics and
5. Ethical concerns related to eugenics
6. Fields of study
a. Medical biotechnologist – uses living cells to research & produce
pharmaceutical & diagnostic products to treat disease
b. Research biotechnologist –studies chemical composition & growth
processes of living things
c. Forensics - use of scientific knowledge or methods in solving
d. Geneticist – studies genetics/ the science of genes, heredity & the
variations of organisms
B. Support personnel
1. Biomedical engineer – applies engineering principles & design techniques
to medicine & biology
2. Biomedical equipment technician – ensures the maintenance of medical