La Grammaire!/Français I Les Pronoms Sujets/Subject Pronouns Definition. - A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun (a person, place or thing). Pronouns can be in one of three cases: Subject, Object, or Possessive. Subject pronouns replace the subject of a sentence. The subject pronouns in French / (English) are: s Je (I) Nous Tu (you - singular) Vous Il (He or it – masculine/singular) Ils Elle (She or it – feminine/singular) Elles On (We – singular) (We) (You – plural) (They – masculine/plural) (They – feminine/plural) Read the following sentences: Michel aime (likes) la pizza. Il aime aussi les hamburgers. In the 2nd sentence, il replaces Michel because it’s the subject pronoun you use to replace something that is masculine and singular. Remember: 1. Due to flow factor, you change je to j’ before a vowel sound 2. Tu and Vous both mean you. a. Tu is used with a friend, a family member or someone your own age or younger. b. Vous is used with more than one person or with a person you do not know very well, or to anyone to whom you wish to show respect. 3. Ils and elles both mean they. Use elles to refer to a group of females. Use ils to refer to a group of males or a group of males and females. a. Julie et Marie? Elles sont américaines. b. David et Paul? Ils sont français. c. Mélanie et Raymond? Ils sont américains.