BL Design, ISS Model, and Differentiation 1

BL Design, ISS Model, and Differentiation
N o r t h I r e d e l l H i g h S c h o o l ’s B L D e s i g n
• Station Rotation Option 1
• Station Rotation Option 2
At NIHS our beginning attempts to do
Blended Learning Classes will have
the students split into two groups
Configuration 1:
• Group A – direct instruction
• Group B – one-to-one with computers
Configuration 2:
• Group A – direct instruction
• Group B – working in small, collaborative groups
Many other configurations are possible!
Remember the core principals of BL are
• small groups or one-to-one instruction.
• differentiation; a more student-centered learning
• using digital content and assessments for quicker
learning and assessment feedback.
• encouraging students to set personal goals and learn to
be independent.
At the end of Reece’s session, she’s asking for . . .
“Think of three lessons in which you could employ the Blended
Learning methodology.” AND
“Please write down your ideas on the exit ticket and be ready to share
with the whole group at the end.”
This session is going to have teachers apply that idea,
while experiencing a differentiated learning
environment for themselves.
Teachers will have independent time to plan in-depth
for a differentiated lesson or unit OR
Teachers will participate in a small group discussion
about differentiation and then begin to plan for it in
an upcoming lesson or unit.
Differentiation and the ISS Model
Think about an upcoming skill or concept you will be
teaching in the next few weeks and move through the 5
learning-centered questions (the ISS Model) to begin
planning your unit/lesson.
1. What do students need to know?
Resource: ISS Curriculum Guides
2. How will they learn it?
Marzano's Nine High Yield Instructional Strategies
Differentiated Core Instruction
Differentiation and the ISS Model
3. How will we know they've learned it?
Questioning Strategies
i3 Pinterest Page @ Formative Assessment
4. What will we do if they don't learn it?
Resources: What can I do now?
5. What will we do if they already know it?
Framing question: For students who already know it,
how can you utilize questions from Levels 4-6 to deepen
students' understanding?
Resources: RBT Question Stems
Here we are . . .