Translating and Solving One-Step Equations

Translating and Solving
One-Step Equations
REVIEW! Write the operation/symbol each word represents.
1) Sum _____
2) Product ____
3) More than____
4) Difference ____
5) Is _____
6) Less _____
7) Less than ____
8) Quotient _____
9) Times ____
10) Decreased by____
11) Increased by _____
12) Take away ____
13) Plus_____
14) Minus ______
15) The word “number” means we pick a _____________.
16) The word “than” means we need to _______________ the order.
BIG IDEA: We can use words to describe problems that can be solved. We will
translate the words in the problem into _________________, and then use
_______________ (opposite) operations to solve them.
**WARNING** Each problem has TWO parts: writing the problem and solving.
Example 1 : Four less than a number is negative eight. What is the number?
Example 2 : The quotient of a number and negative three is negative nine. What
is the number?
*Remember any unknown value in the problem means we get to pick a ________
You try! - Write the problem and solve, showing all steps needed to get your
1) A number increased by negative one 2) The product of a number and
is eight. Find the number.
negative four is negative twenty-eight.
What is the number?
3) Jack made twelve more paper
footballs than Alex. If Alex made
twenty paper footballs, how many did
Jack make?
4) Fourteen less than a number is
negative one. What is the number?
5) The quotient of a number and two is
eighteen. What is the number?
6) The difference of Katie’s age and
negative two is fourteen. How old is
7) A number less five is zero. What is
the number?
8) Negative nineteen times a number
is thirty-eight. What is the number?
9) Kristen likes to draw cupcakes.
10) The sum of a number and negative
Nine times the number of cupcakes
two is negative thirteen. What is the
Kristen draws is sixty-three. How many number?
cupcakes did Kristen draw?