Name:______________________ Date:________________ Fertilizer Questions

Fertilizer Questions
Page 149-156
1. A ____________________ is a material that adds nutrients to a soil.
2. What 2 parts of the plants can absorb nutrients?
3. What are the 3 forms a fertilizer can be in?
4. _____________________ is wasted if the wrong fertilizer is used!
5. What happens if TOO MUCH fertilizer is used?
6. What is the difference in a complete and an elemental fertilizer?
7. What are the 3 nutrients that are in a complete fertilizer?
8. An _______________ fertilizers lacks one of the three nutrients.
9. The _______________ ingredient is the carrier or the filler.
10. A fertilizer _________________ is the active ingredients in a commercial
fertilizer formulation.
11. The 3 numbers on a fertilizer bag (for example 16-4-8), tell you the ______ of
each nutrient – nitrogen, phosphorus & potassium, in that order.
12. If you buy a bag of fertilizer that says 13-10-13, what percentage of the total is
Nitrogen (remember N-P-K!).
13. What 2 micronutrients are most often deficient in crops?
14. Some fertilizers change the ____ of the soil.
15. If you use ammonium nitrate for a long time and the pH becomes low, what can
be added to increase (LIFT) the pH?
16. ______________ is the downward pull of nutrients through the soil by water.
17. Fertilizer should be applied using a method that does not lead to __________.
18. _________________________ is the type of fertilizer application that spreads
fertilizer over an entire area.
19. _______________________ is used when adding soluble fertilizer into a watering
system such as a greenhouse irrigation line.
20. Name 3 things that determine the amount of fertilizer that needs to be added to a
21. Follow the sample on page 154 to answer this:
You are a homeowner trying to save some money and fertilize your lawn. Your
yard is 12,000 sq ft. You buy a fertilizer at Lowes that says 10-19-10 on it. Your
soil test report says that you need 1 pound of nitrogen per 1000 sq ft. How many
pounds of the fertilizer will you need?
22. Fertilizer comes in 3 forms:
__________________ = small pellets that dissolve into soil over a period of time
_________ _________= liquid fertilizers that begin as powders and are dissolved
in water (like Koolaid)
__________________ = form that is least common and rarely used now for safety
23. What type of fertilizer would cow manure be?
24. What type of fertilizer would you purchase in a bag from a garden center?
25. How many pounds of actual nitrogen would be in 1 ton of 8-8-8 fertilizer? Show
how you worked this out.
26. You buy a 70 lb. bag of fertilizer that is a 20-10-6 analysis. How many pounds of
each nutrient do you have? List the 3 nutrients and the number of pounds. Show
how you worked this out.
27. Your lawn is 4000 sq. ft. Your soil test report shows that you need 2 lbs of
nitrogen per 1000 sq. ft. Your fertilizer is a 20-12-18 analysis. How many pounds
of this fertilizer do you need to meet the needed nitrogen amount?