Tomas Miller
Eileen Dunn
How do businesses monitor employee activities online?
Businesses do this to make sure their employees are not doing anything that could potentially harm the company
Technology today makes it easier to find the history of activities
Can check email history, social networking sites, monitor call history and voice mail
Why businesses and colleges monitor social networking for applicants
What they look for:
Consumption of alcohol
Illegal activities
What they expect to see:
Academic strengths
Extra curricular activities
Scholastic awards and achievements
Information that displays maturity
Why you should use proper grammar in business communication
To make sure wording is clear for reader to understand
They are aware of what needs to be done
To be able to present yourself professionally
Use of E-mail in permanent records
E-mail is one of the least secure methods of communication, they are easily accessed
Most employers make the employees sign technology monitoring agreements, where they gain the right to monitor any emails sent during work time.
The only way to ensure the emails stay private is to encrypt them.