SOL Review American Foreign Policy & Diplomatic History

SOL Review
American Foreign
Policy &
Diplomatic History
What country helped the
Americans win their
independence from
What two nations signed
the Treaty of Alliance in
•The United States
What American negotiated
the Treaty of Alliance with
France in 1778?
What official is the
nation’s chief
• The President,
assisted by the
Secretary of State
What does the
Secretary of State
• Handles foreign
affairs for the
•The United States
should stay out of
world affairs.
What set precedent
for Isolationism?
Farewell Address
What president
bought the Louisiana
•Thomas Jefferson
From what country did the
United States purchase the
Louisiana Territory?
How did the Louisiana
Territory affect the size of
the United States?
•Doubled it
What war lasted from
1812 to 1815?
•The War of 1812
What two countries
fought the War of 1812?
•The United States
•Great Britain
What territory did the
United States claim after
the War of 1812?
•The Oregon
What territory did the
United States acquire in
From what country did
the United States
acquire Florida?
What issue did the
Monroe Doctrine
•Foreign Policy
What set forth the basic
principles of American foreign
policy from 1823 until the end
of the 19th century?
•The Monroe
What were the 4
points of the
Monroe Doctrine?
• No more European colonies in the
• Countries in Western Hemisphere
were republics; countries in Europe
were monarchies
• If European countries threatened
any country in Americas, then they
threatened the United States
• U.S. would stay out of European
What was the most important
point of the Monroe Doctrine?
• European countries
should stay out of the
affairs of the Western
What precedent did the
Monroe Doctrine set for
American presidents ?
• American presidents would
consider it a threat to the United
States, if European countries
meddled with countries in the
Western Hemisphere
What precedent did the
Monroe Doctrine set for
American presidents ?
• American presidents would
consider it a threat to the United
States, if European countries
meddled with countries in the
Western Hemisphere
What idea provided
political support for
territorial expansion?
•Manifest Destiny
What was Manifest
• The belief that it was God’s
will for the United States to
stretch from the Atlantic to
the Pacific Ocean
What war lasted from
1846 to 1848?
•The Mexican War
What two countries fought
in the Mexican War?
•The United States
Who won the
Mexican War?
•The United States
What was the
Mexican Cession?
• The territory the United
States got from Mexico at
the end of the Mexican
What present-day
states were part of
the Mexican
• California
• Nevada
• Utah
• Arizona
• part of Colorado
• part of New Mexico
Define Imperialism.
• One country gaining
political or economic
control over another
What Pacific island chain
did the U.S. annex (add)
during the 1890s?
Who was the last
native ruler of Hawaii?
•Queen Liluokalani
What was the Open
Door Policy?
•All nations would
have equal trading
rights in China
Who won the SpanishAmerican War?
•The United States
What territory did the
U.S. get in the SpanishAmerican War?
•Puerto Rico
At the end of the SpanishAmerican War in what
country did the U.S. say it
could intervene militarily?
Who was president
when the Panama
Canal was built?
What did the Panama
Canal do?
• Provided a short-cut
between the Atlantic
and Pacific Oceans
What president was
known for Dollar
•William Howard
What was Dollar
• U.S. business would invest
in Latin America
• If necessary, U.S. would
intervene militarily in
Latin America
Name 2 examples of
American economic
• Open Door Policy
• Dollar Diplomacy
What was the basis of
U.S. foreign policy
from President
Washington until
World War I?
When did World
War I occur?
Who were the Central
Powers in World War I?
• Germany
• Austria-Hungary
• Ottoman Empire
Who were the Allies
in World War I?
• Great Britain
• France
• Russia
What major nation
joined the Allies and
entered World War I in
•The United States
Did the Central Powers
or the Allies win World
War I?
•The Allies
Who developed the
Fourteen Points?
•Woodrow Wilson
What were the 3 key ideas of
the Fourteen Points?
• National self-determination
• Freedom of the seas
• League of Nations
What is national
• The idea that each
national group should
be in charge of its own
What was the League of
• An organization of
nations started at the
end of World War I to
maintain peace
What treaty ended
World War I?
•The Versailles
What were the 4 key points
of the Versailles Treaty?
•National Self-determination
•Freedom of the Seas
•the League of Nations
•the Mandate System
What is
• The opposite of
• Heavy involvement in
foreign affairs
Except for a period in the
1920s and 1930s, what
has been the basis of U.S.
foreign policy from World
War I to the Present?
Who was president
during World War II?
• Franklin D. Roosevelt
Identify the LendLease Act.
• A law which allowed the President to
sell, lease, or lend defense equipment
to nations which the President
considered vital to American
• Allowed FDR to help the British
against Germany
What event brought
the U.S. into World
War II?
•Japanese attack
on Pearl Harbor
What were the Axis
nations during World
War II?
• Germany
• Italy
• Japan
Who was the leader of
Germany during World
War II?
• Adolf Hitler
Who were the Allies in
World War II?
• Great Britain
• the Soviet Union
• the United States
Who was the leader of
Great Britain during
World War II?
•Winston Churchill
Who was the leader of
the Soviet Union during
World War II?
•Joseph Stalin
What happened at the
Battle of Stalingrad?
• Soviet army defeated the Germans
• Prevented the Germans from seizing
the Soviet oil fields
• Turned the tide against the Germans
on the eastern front
What happened at the
Normandy landings
• American and Allied troops
landed in France.
• Liberation of Western Europe
had begun.
Who was the commander of
the Allied forces at the DDay invasion?
• Dwight D. Eisenhower
What was the turning
point of the war in the
•The Battle of
What was the Allied
strategy in the Pacific?
•Island hopping
How did the United
States end the war in the
• Dropped atomic
bombs on Hiroshima
and Nagasaki
What was the
• Nazi Germany’s
systematic murder of
European Jews.
What were the
Nuremberg Trials?
• Trials of Nazi leaders
for war crimes
How did the U.S. maintain
an adequate supply of
products for the war effort?
• Rationing: each family
received a monthly
allowance of essential items
(sugar, gasoline, meat)
How did the Roosevelt
administration finance
World War II?
• War bonds
• The federal income
What was the Selective
Service Act?
• 1940 law which established
the first peacetime draft in
American history
What was the Selective
Service Act?
• 1940 law which established
the first peacetime draft in
American history
What happened to most
Japanese-Americans during
World War II?
• Relocated to internment
camps, where they were
required to stay until the
end of the war
Who became
president when
FDR died?
•Harry S. Truman
What was the Cold
• The war of words
between the United
States and the Soviet
Union between 1945 and
What was the Truman
• U.S. would defend free
peoples who were resisting
attempted subjugation
(control) by armed minorities
or outside pressure groups
What was the Marshall
• U.S. economic aid
program to European
nations after World
War II
What was
• The American policy to
limit communism to
those areas where it
already existed
What is communism?
• An economic system in which
all property and means of
production are owned by
society as a whole (i.e., by the
gov’t. in the name of the
Who was the
Communist Chinese
•Mao Zedong
Who was the anticommunist Chinese
•Chiang Kai-shek
What is Taiwan?
• Anti-communist nation
founded on the island of
Formosa when Chiang
fled China
Who were Julius and
Ethel Rosenberg?
• A couple who worked on
the U.S. atomic project
• They were convicted of
espionage and executed
Who was Alger
• A U.S. State Department
official charged with giving
secret documents to the
• Convicted of perjury
What was NATO?
• A defensive military
alliance of U.S. and
Western European
• An attack on one would be
considered an attack on all
What was the Korean
• The 1950-1953 war caused
when communist North
Korea invaded anticommunist South Korea
What policy resulted in
American involvement
in the Korean War?
What is the United
• An international
organization to keep
peace in the world
Who was Senator Joseph
• A Republican senator who
accused many American
officials of being
What was
• Unfairly accusing others of
disloyalty and subversion
(overthrow of the
What was
• Unfairly accusing others of
disloyalty and subversion
(overthrow of the
What was Massive
• President Eisenhower’s policy
that the U.S. would use swift
all-out military actions
against any nation
committing aggression
What federal agency
coordinates the spy
activities of the United
States government?
• Central Intelligence
Agency or CIA
What was the Bay of
• The CIA sponsored
invasion of Cuba by Cuban
exiles to overthrow Castro.
It failed!
What was the Cuban
Missile Crisis?
• Soviets placed nuclear
missiles in Cuba
• U.S. blockaded Cuba
• Soviets removed the missiles
• What Cold War policy
resulted in American
involvement in Vietnam?
• Containment
• What European colonial power
controlled Indochina after
World War II? (Indochina
included Vietnam.)
• France
• Who was the leader of the
Vietnamese independence
• Ho Chi Minh
• Why did the United States
support France’s efforts after
World War II to keep Indochina
as a colony?
• Ho Chi Minh was a communist.
• What was the name of the South
Vietnamese communists who tried
to overthrow the South Vietnamese
government? They were guerilla
• Vietcong
• What was the official name of
the Vietcong?
• The National Liberation Front
• What president escalated
(increased) American military
involvement in the Vietnam
War to 540,000 troops?
• Lyndon B. Johnson
• What did Nixon call his policy to turn
over the war to the South Vietnamese
army and simultaneously withdraw
American troops?
• Vietnamization
• What country supplied the
North Vietnamese Army?
• The Soviet Union
• What happened in Vietnam? In
other words, how did the Vietnam
War end?
• Communist North Vietnam took
over South Vietnam and reunited
the country under communist rule.
• What type of government did
Vietnam have when it was
reunified in 1975?
• Communist
In chronological
order name the
American presidents,
who served during
the Vietnam War.
(Ten evil kids jacked Nixon’s Ford.)
• Who was President Nixon’s
most important Secretary of
• Henry Kissinger
• With what country did President
Nixon begin to establish formal
diplomatic relations in 1972?
• Communist China
• Name the Soviet-American
discussions to establish limits
on the number of nuclear
• The SALT talks
• Name the first treaty to
establish limits on the
number of nuclear weapons
held by the United States and
the Soviet Union.
• The SALT Treaty
• What was the basis of
President Reagan’s
defense policy?
• A massive military
• What was the effect of
President Reagan’s military
buildup on American relations
with the Soviet Union?
• It increased tension between the
United States and the Soviet
• What action did President
Reagan take in Western
Europe during his first term?
• Reagan placed new nuclear
missiles in Western Europe.
• Who became the leader of the
Soviet Union in 1985? This
leader was known for the
policies of “Glasnost” and
• Mikhail Gorbachev
• What is the Russian word
for openness?
• Glasnost
• Name Gorbachev’s policy of
encouraging freedom of
expression in the Soviet
• Glasnost
• What Russian word
referred to restructuring
Soviet society?
• Perestroika
• What type of
restructuring did
Perestroika do?
• Economic restructuring
• What countries were
Soviet satellites after
World War II?
• The countries of Eastern
• What does one call a nation
that is formally independent,
but dominated by another
• A satellite
• What was the name of the
revolutionary labor
movement in Poland
during the 1980s?
• The Solidarity movement
What was the best
known symbol of the
Cold War?
•The Berlin Wall
• What happened to the
Berlin Wall in 1989?
• It was torn down.
• What happened in Germany
in 1990?
• East Germany and West
Germany reunited under the
democratic West German
• What happened to the
Soviet Union in 1991?
• It fell apart or collapsed.
• What action did Gorbachev
take on Christmas Day,
• He resigned and declared the
Soviet Union had ended.
•In chronological
order name the
leaders of the Soviet
Union during the
Cold War.
(Stupid kids buy guns.)
• Stalin
• Krushchev
• Brezhnev
• Gorbachev