Assignment due: _______________ Name: ___________________

Group #4 VOCABULARY words
Name: ___________________
~~ Assignment due: _______________
** Test will be on ________ (A day) _________ (B day) **
Part of
Definition –
Use it in a sentence & add context clues:
Noisy activity.
concoction (n)
A mixture of ingredients; putting several things
Walking into the cafeteria I heard a huge commotion.
Mr. Cottone was dancing around the perimeter, kids
were clapping, singing, and laughing; it was so noisy.
In the science lab, Mrs. Cray put together an amazing
concoction of chemicals. It was an explosive mix of
baking soda and vinegar juice.
Conspicuous –
Contortion –
Easily seen; something obvious; attract attention.
Medusa was conspicuous with her snake-like hair. It
was hard to ignore her when she came into the room.
A sharp twist or bend in, or of, something or
Hurricane Sandy’s destruction left many homes and
buildings in shambles. Long Island was a scene of
contortion and twisted rubble in the aftermath.
Jabber –
Arrogant; thinking you are above it all.
Prometheus deemed Zeus an imperious god because
the thunder bolt-throwing ruler believed he was
better than all the rest.
To talk rapidly making no sense; chattering.
A recluse would not be a person to jabber. But
teenage girls are always chattering.
Group #4 VOCABULARY page 2
Part of
Definition –
Use it in a sentence & add context clues:
Jargon –
Jostle –
Scurry –
Serenity –
sociable –
Specialized language of a profession or group.
Teenagers have always invented their own jargon. For
example today they say or text “LOL” to mean laugh
out loud, or “NOOB” meaning an adult who is clueless
about pop culture, tech terms or what is “in.”
To roughly bump into a person or thing.
Hercules dared not jostle the hundred-headed Ladon.
If he did bump him Hercules would fail to get the
golden apples he must take back to Eurystheus.
To move briskly; to scamper.
Mice scurry about their habitat; but turtles never move
about quickly.
The quality of being calm, peaceful or untroubled.
Prometheus had no serenity after Zeus chained him to
a rock and had an eagle daily swoop down to eat his
liver. While he was glad to have given fire to man, he
still hoped for a peaceful future.
Enjoying the company of others.
When tantalizing foods are served in a friendly
ambiance, people become sociable. They enjoy the
company of others.
Somber –
Very serious or sad.
Following the fire which burned down their house, the
neighbors were very somber. They had lost
everything, were sad, and even the kids didn’t smile.
~~Flash cards Assignment due _____(A day) ______ (B day) ~~
Side 1
a. Word
c. Synonym
Side 2
b. P.O.S.
d. Antonym
e. picture
a. Definition
b. Your own sentence with context clues.