NAME_______________ DATE______________________ BLOCK____________________

Directions: write the correct figurative language term on the line. Possible answers are:
Symbolism, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, onomatopoeia, simile, idiom, and alliteration.
A heart________________
“America is a melting pot” ________________
“the vines wove their fingers together to form a braid” ________________
“I had to walk 15 miles to school in the snow, uphill” ________________
I was so hungry that I even ate the plate________________
My father was the sun and the moon to me. ________________
The rain seemed like an old friend who had finally found us________________
He was a library of information about baseball. ________________
The curtain was waving to everyone every time the wind blew through the open window________________
The tree shook its branches angrily________________
Drip, Drop, Drip, Drop went the rain drops falling on the roof of the house________________
Her head was so full of ideas that it was ready to burst wide open________________
The baby was like an octopus, grabbing for everything in sight. ________________
That movie took my breath away________________
Leslie said that she was in the dark about what's going on. ________________
Teddy tiger tried tying teepees together________________
Silly sally sang a silly summer song________________
I like pancakes so much I could eat a million of them________________
time flies by when you’re having fun________________
He was as blind as a bat________________
Death wandered the battlefield________________
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers________________
he was as anxious as a fish out of water to find his family________________
Thonk! Thunk! went his feet . . ________________
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