Intensive Teaching Practice Pre-academic/Academic/Speech Activity

Intensive Teaching Practice
Pre-academic/Academic/Speech Activity
With two children, present the same targets to each child back and forth or give
one child an independent task while you work with the other child for 2 minutes
then switch.
For the probe data, present the target, use least to most prompting, take data on
highest prompt level.
For teaching, use errorless learning and present the target ~5 times. Targets may
be mixed with other tasks.
Target examples:
What is it?
Point to the ____.
Show me the one with _(feature)_. For example, “Show me the one with wheels.”
What sound does ____ make?
Find the _____ in the book.
Match or sort the (fruit, animals)?
Answer “where” questions. For example, where do you sleep, where do you eat,
where do you buy groceries, where do you go when you are sick.
Answer yes/no questions about items For example, “Is this a ____?” while
showing an item.
Label action verbs. For example, “What is he doing?”
Have the child choose a piece of paper from the surprise box, adult reads the
direction, and asks the child to “___(instruction)_____.”
Pull items out of a surprise box and say “It is a …” and wait expectantly so child
can name the item.
Intensive Teaching Practice
Use a table/play activity to teach a child’s IEP target goals through embedding
multiple trials and following the child’s lead and interest. Below are several
examples of ways to address IEP target goals during table/play. You may expand
on one of these or come up with your own.
Present the target, prompt as necessary, take data on prompt level. Present
target 5 times. Targets may be mixed with other tasks.
Spontaneous language using fill in
Ready, set, ______
The dog is brown. The cat is _____.
Extending language through features, functions and categories
You have a yellow car. What color is your car?
That is a horse and a cow. A horse is an _(animal)_.
Show me the green ball.
Where is the one that bounces?
What is an animal?
Which one is red?
I have 3 fish. Count your fish.
Where are the 2 cups?
Taking turns/sharing
It’s Jack’s turn. Whose turn is it?
My turn. Pass the spoon.
What did you make? Show me.
Show ____ your big car.
Show me the one that says meow.
Wh questions
What is that?
Where does a cow live?
Whose turn is it?