PLAN What do we need to learn? Our Class Performance SMART Goal: :


What do we need to learn?

PLAN from ______ to _______

Date Date

Based on the data, our learning target for this cycle is:


We will measure our learning by: ___________________

(when and how)


Our Class Performance SMART Goal:

We will celebrate improvement by:

We will celebrate reaching our goal by:

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How will our class learn it?


Classroom Strategies

Our learning strategies for the week beginning: ____________

To help us reach our goal this coming cycle, our teacher will:

To help us reach our goal this coming cycle, we will:

We will reflect on this plan when we receive data on:_________________

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How will we know if we’ve learned it?


Looking at our data from this cycle,

Did we reach our goal?

__________ ______________________

Did we improve?


What else does the data tell us?


What else might we need to consider when looking at this data to help us better understand the results?


Today’s Date:____________________

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What will we do if we don’t learn it?

What will we do if we already know it?


Reflection on our classroom action plan (strategies) from this cycle,


What strategies helped us reach our target?

What kept us from reaching our target?

Today’s Date:___________________________

What should be done differently to help us improve?

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