English 11 Honors Syllabus Ms. Amy Trickett amy.trickett@lcps.org 2015-2016 Course Description This course is designed to provide you with the reading and writing skills to be: effective problem-solvers, good users of information, collaborative, knowledgeable, literate, and empathetic. By annotating texts and responding through writing and discussion, we will explore the big questions and universal truths in American literature that connect us to each other and the world around us. Through writing workshop, we will learn to write convincing, well-developed, organized pieces that synthesize and respond to various topics. There will be a focus on argumentative writing as well as revision and editing skills. Instruction is aligned with the Virginia SOL and the LCPS Honors curriculum. Expectations BE RESPECTFUL. Treat peers and adults with respect and kindness. Respect the classroom by throwing away your trash and keeping the room clean. BE HONEST. Plagiarism is the use of someone else’s words and ideas as your own. Cheating is copying someone else’s answers. Plagiarism and cheating are not tolerated. BE INVOLVED. Be willing to share ideas orally and in your writing. This class is primarily focused on your ability to think, write, and speak critically. Please bring your curiosity, a strong work ethic, and a positive attitude to every English class. BE RESPONSIBLE. Come to class on time, which means you are in the classroom when the tardy bell rings. Read the daily agenda and begin “Do Now” tasks immediately. Further, have all required materials and homework with you so you can actively participate in the lesson. Cell phone policy: We will have structured time to use your cell phone; however, when class begins, turn your phone off and keep it in your backpack. Texting and checking social media is a distraction. If you are told to put your phone away: First time: warning from teacher Second time: email/call to parents Third time: referral to administrators Materials pen or pencil highlighter 1-inch binder 5 subject spiral notebook (optional) Post-it tabs Texts Major works of literature will be selected from the following: The Road by C. McCarthy, The Crucible by A. Miller, A Raisin in the Sun by L. Hansberry, The Great Gatsby by F.S. Fitzgerald, T. O’Brien’s The Things They Carried, Their Eyes Were Watching God by Z.N. Hurston, and J. Krakauer’s Into the Wild. You will also be reading a variety of shorter pieces by authors Emerson, Thoreau, Whitman, Hughes, Hemingway, Faulkner. **The reading list is subject to change. Assignments Assignments will fall into one of two categories- formative (developing a skill) or summative (demonstrating level of mastery of a skill). Assignments include: discussions, journals, single-draft essays, final-draft essays, reading response, grammar exercises, vocabulary activities, presentations, research components, annotations, and lots or reading. Third quarter, you will complete a Big Question research product. Homework Expect to read outside of class. Much of your success in the course depends on it. Be sure to check the white board for homework and reminders. Record your assignments in your agenda or phone. Absences & Make-up Work Come to school as much as possible. It is your responsibility to get any missed assignments from Phoenix, a classmate, or me. Handouts and assignments will be posted on Phoenix the day they are assigned. If you miss a class on a day when a when a major assignment is due, you must submit that assignment on the day you return. Assessment & Grading Policies Students will earn grades for assignments on a point basis. Possible points earned will depend on the individual assignment. Grades will be the result of the total points earned by the student divided by the total points possible. Numerical grades in English 11 are assigned in accordance with the grading scale established by Loudoun County Public Schools. Rubrics will be provided for major writing assignments. Retake/Rewrite Policy o Students who have earned a D or F on a summative assessment are encouraged to relearn the material. o Retakes/rewrites on summative assessments will ONLY take place if you have met the following criteria: have turned in all formative assessments met with me for a reteach session (it is your responsibility to arrange a time to meet) o The higher of the two grades will be entered in the grade book. o Retakes/rewrites must be completed within ONE WEEK of the reteach session. Late Work All work is due on the due date at the beginning of class. If you have a legitimate emergency, late work will be accepted up until TWO WEEKS from the original due date with a penalty of your total “on-time” grade points unless otherwise discussed privately with the teacher. On-time Grades o You will earn two grades for major summative assessments -- an on-time grade and a content grade. The on-time grade is worth 10% of the content grade. For instance, if the assignment is worth 50 points, you will earn a 5-point on-time grade. If you turn in an assignment late, you will earn a 0 for the on-time grade. This grade cannot be made-up. o The content grade, on the other hand, shows your level of mastery on the assignment. Even if you turn an assignment in late, you may still earn full credit for the content grade depending on your performance. I will mark a “T” in Phoenix indicating that you “turned in the assignment) until it is replaced with the grade. Contact Me You can find me in the English workroom (Room 232) during 2nd (10:35 12:07)and 7th (12:13-2:13) periods. I also encourage you to make an appointment to meet with me before or after school or during PriROARities as needed. You may also email me at any time with questions: amy.trickett@lcps.org