Document 17617091

Parents/Guardians and Students:
These are the tools that you are expected to have in class on a daily basis:
Sketch book
Flash Drive (Graphics Classes Only)
All projects, assignments, papers and tests will be graded and averaged into
the student’s course average. Projects and assignments are due on the
specified due date. Keep in mind that projects, tests, etc. are weighted
differently. If an assignment is not turned in, a grade of “0” will be given.
Students are required to make up any work missed due to absences and it is
the student’s responsibility to make sure that all work is complete.
Homework and other assignments will be graded 0-10 points. Tests are
graded out of 100 and there will be a final exam. We will also be working
out of a textbook called Art Talk. Each art project will receive three grades
according to the following criteria.
Creativity……………………….0-10 points
Understanding of Concepts…….0-10 points
Technique and Workmanship…..0-10 points
Since I am a life long learner, I always try to keep up-to-date on teaching techniques. I have read some teaching tips
from Ron Clark and he says to be very specific about your rules and expectations. He has more than 55 rules! (Tyler
Perry made a movie about him called “The Ron Clark Story”)
Class rules and expectations:
1) Raise your hand and WAIT to be called on before you speak.
2) Do not bring in any type of food or beverage without talking to me first so that artwork does not get ruined and you do not get sick.
Exception: You may bring in a beverage with a twist cap.
3) Use language that does not include cussing. Develop and on/off switch. The cussing switch should be in the “off position” when in
4) If you have a problem with someone in class, respectfully bring it to them first. If that doesn’t work see me about it.
5) Come to class prepared to work. If this is not possible speak to me about it BEFORE CLASS with a reasonable explanation…not
an excuse for being lazy.
6) If you have to puke get to the bathroom. Don’t ask, just go!
7) If you need to use the bathroom, ask me first so that I know where you are in case of an emergency. You can go once per class.
When using the bathroom use the nearest one.
8) Clean up what you mess up; your mother/father/grandma/sibling/guardian doesn’t live here; step up to the plate and take up for
your self. Check all tools and materials, desks, floors, etc. that you messed. If you are on the Chore Chart during the week be sure
you check those areas too.
9) Know the fire escape and tornado drill plans.
10) Don’t talk when I am presenting a lesson or during announcements including Channel 1. Unless I say otherwise you can talk all
you want other than those times. Wait until then.
11) Keep the noise at a reasonable level so others can concentrate. If you cannot handle talking and working at the same time we will
not talk during class.
12) Take notes so you can pass the tests. You will not fail if you do.
13) Put in your best effort. Remember if you don’t care about your work neither will I or anyone else.
14) Turn all assignments in on time. Due dates will be on the board and said aloud in class. If you can’t turn it in on time speak to me
before hand and if we can we will arrange something. Pay attention to where I ask you to hand in your assignments as this may
change depending on the size of the project.
15) Be the first to give respect and you will get it. There is a difference between fear and respect.
16) We are here to prepare you for life as an adult as well as learn about art.
17) Keep your attitude in check. Talking back, rolling your eyes, and “tsk”-ing will not help you succeed in the real world with
authority figures.
18) Don’t do anything “silly”. “Silly” is anything that is unsafe to yourself or others; including drugs and reckless behavior. Watch
all demonstrations I give in class closely. We work with things that can be dangerous if used improperly. Use things only the way I
show you.
19) Know that I care what happens to you, especially when I need to discipline you. I am not your friend, I am your teacher. I will do
my best not to fail you by giving you what you want when you need something else.
20) Testing rules: No talking until all tests are collected. Raise your hand and wait quietly until I come to see to your need. Keep it
face down until I tell you to begin. When you are finished, flip over your test and nap/draw/stair into space until all tests are collected.
22) Ask me questions only if you really want the answer. If you are trying to stop me from teaching by asking teacher stopping
questions this will only stop the flow of the learning process. If you want to ask me a question that does not pertain to what we are
doing, wait and ask me at an appropriate time or write it down and put it in the issue bin. I will be happy to answer any question you
23) Tell me, respectfully, if something bothers you or if there is something you see that can be done better. It may not change but I
highly value you respectful opinion. I do not value your disrespectful opinion.
24) Keep your hands off others. I don’t care if you are “just playing” or “just hugging”.
25) If you ruin something of someone else’s you must fix it. For example: If you get paint on someone’s shirt, clean it or get them a
new one.
26) I have shown you nothing but respect. Don’t play me, be honest.
27) We all make mistakes. Own up to it, fix it and move on.
28) There is rarely extra credit. Fix work that has a low grade and turn it back in to me. Trashing your artwork shows me that I
should have given it a lower grade.
29) Keep your work in your portfolio or in something you bring to class daily…not around the room. You will need that work later
for a test.
30) Do not ask for a reward or it will not be given. It shows that you do not appreciate the person giving it. A true reward is a job
well done; no trinket can replace that.
31) The radio is a privilege. We put on whatever comes in clearly, if it is appropriate for school. I determine what is appropriate.
You may bring in a CD prior to class. I will listen to it and if it is appropriate we will listen to it in class.
32) Be in class regularly. Do not miss more than 3 days every 9 weeks.
33) Be here BEFORE the second bell rings. 2 tardies is an absence.
34) If you are done early: A) See if there is anyway you can improve your artwork. (Really, don’t just look at it and say “yeah it’s
okay”. “Okay” is not enough. B) See if you can fix or finish any other assignments. C) See me. D) Quiet free time.
35) Be able to accept constructive criticism. People who do it respectfully are trying to help not hurt.
36) Do not be lazy. If you try your best and turn everything in on time and if I see consistent effort I will not let you fail.
37) Cell phones are not a problem if I don’t see or hear them. Yes, I see you texting under the table and in your purse, and in your
pocket. They will be confiscated.
38) School board says there are to be no electronic devices. I am but a humble servant of the state and I do not make the rules. Don’t
let me see or hear any part of it. These will also be confiscated.
39) Hats should be off before you enter the room. Pants should be up, shirts should be buttoned up, and skirts should be to your finger
tips, no spaghetti straps. No alcohol, cigarette, gang or drug related clothing. I will ask you to take care of these infractions. Hats will
be confiscated.
40) Whining that you can’t do something is not true and very annoying. Like Nike says: “Just do it.”
41) Come prepared to get messy. Bring a smock or junky t-shirt. Come prepared for extreme temperatures. You may want to wear a
sweater and a lighter shirt under if you need because the A/C and heating has a mind of it’s own.
42) Do not be wasteful or selfish.
43) See me for any issue you may have and I will do my best to advise you or work something out. Understand I cannot change
everything or wait forever.
44) You may borrow almost anything I have in the room to complete your work for homework if you run out of time. See me to sign
stuff out and show it to me before you put it away in order to sign it back in. If you loose it, bring a replacement, or bring money so I
can replace it. (See me for the cost.) If you do not return or replace the items borrowed you will be put on the school’s “fees owed”
45) If you need help or need to make up time I stay after most Thursdays and Saturday school is offered from time to time.
46) If you don’t have the time (for detention), don’t to the crime.
47) When a teacher, boss or police officer is correcting you say “Yes/No Ma’am/Sir”. If you feel that they are correcting you but you
didn’t do anything wrong wait until after they are finished speaking then, when the time is right explain.
*Disciplinary action may consist of the following: Warning, teacher placement, parent contact, written assignments,
payment for damages, detention (Thursdays after school.), and/or office referral. Note that some steps in the
disciplinary action may be skipped if the situation calls for it.
We use computers that have internet access. By signing below you are giving permission for your child to use the
computers during class.
I am looking forward to meeting everyone. I am sure that this semester will be very successful!
Student Signature__________________________
Printed Student Name_______________________
Parent Signature___________________________