– 157 and answer the following questions.

Directions: Please read pages 153 – 157 and answer the following questions.
1. Where did Roman power spread to around 63 B.C?
2. There were two groups in Judea, one of them were the Zealots. What did the Zealots want?
3. What did the other religious group believe?
a. What did God promise?
4. Who was Jesus?
A. At what age did he begin public ministry?
B. For the next 3 years what did he do?
C. Jesus taught Monotheism. What does this mean?
D. Where is the main source of information about Jesus’ life and teachings
E. What concerned both Roman and Jewish leaders?
F. How did he die?
5. Who was Paul and what did he spend his life doing?
6. What made travel and exchange of ideas fairly safe?
7. Rome had an excellent Roman road system which made what easy?
8. In his teachings what did Paul stress?
9. What is Diaspora?
10. Why were Christians persecuted? What were they blamed for?
11. Tell me the 5 reasons why Christianity was easily accepted and liked?
1. ___________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________________
12. Who was Constantine and in A.D. 313 what did he announce?
13. What was the Edict of Milan?
14. What is Heresy?