Characteristics of Vertebrates Organism Mode of Nutrition Habitat (Terrestrial/ water/ both) Fertilization (Internal/ External) Mobility Other Characteristics (at least 2) - Amphibians Heterotrophs Both “Double Life”first in water, then on land external Appendageswebbed feet Smooth moist skin live life first in water (gills) and adult life on land ( lungs - ExamplesName and picture FROG IGUANA Reptiles Heterotrophs Terrestrial internal Appendageslegs, claws - Dry scaly skin - Air breathing FLAMINGO Birds Heterotrophs Terrestrial Internal Most winged -eggs protected by hard shell -feathers -warm blooded Mammals Heterotrophs Both Internal Appendages – various forms - Have fur or hair Produce milk for young PLATYPUS Fish Boney, jawless, and sharks Heterotrophs Water Both Fins - Breath with gills Have fins and scales Can live in fresh or salt water Clownfish