MYP Soccer Unit Planner: Community, Culture, and Skills

MYP unit planner
Unit title
Mr. Catchpole
Subject and grade level
Level 3
Time frame and duration
5-6 weeks
Stage 1: Integrate significant concept, area of interaction and unit
Area of interaction focus
Significant concept(s)
Which area of interaction will be our focus?
Why have we chosen this?
What are the big ideas? What do we want our
students to retain for years into the future?
Community and Service
We need to realize that we are part of a
larger world than our immediate
MYP unit question
How do we live in relation to each other?
How will you integrate Internationalism and/or the perspectives of other cultures throughout this unit?
Will internationalism be displayed or visible in your classroom throughout this unit? If so, how?
Soccer is the global sport. This will allow students to make connections to cultures all across the globe. Also, we will be
discussing the impact that the 2010 World Cup had on the continent of Africa and the world as a whole.
What task(s) will allow students the opportunity to respond to the unit question?
What will constitute acceptable evidence of understanding? How will students show what they have understood?
 Students will be keeping track of their own individual progress during the unit, and reflecting on it in their
journals. They will also be researching how soccer has made an impact on their country, which will be
chosen from a list that is given to them from their teacher.
 They will also be exposed to articles, videos about soccer around the world and the impact that it has on cultures
and people of all ages.
 Students will be exposed to how people across the globe are using the sport of soccer as a vehicle for change.
Students will devise ways that they can serve or give back to the community using soccer as the medium.
Which specific MYP objectives will be addressed during this unit?
Take responsibility for their own learning
Process and be engaged in the activity
Use physical education terminology in context
Perform movement sequences in a variety of movement and physical contexts
Link movements in order to compose coordinated sequences and take into account the concepts of space, time,
level, force, and flow
Which MYP assessment criteria will be used?
Criterion A and D
What other local assessments will be used?
-Teacher observation
-Skill test evaluation rubric
State Standards:
-6.05 Demonstrate advanced skills needed for individual physical activity such as creating
open space on offense or defensive strategies
-7.02 Demonstrate knowledge for effective timing and sequencing for skill performance
-7.03 Know and apply rules and safe practices in a variety of physical activities
Stage 2: Backward planning: from the assessment to the learning
activities through inquiry
What knowledge and/or skills (from the course overview) are going to be used to enable the student to respond to the unit
What (if any) state, provincial, district, or local standards/skills are to be addressed? How can they be unpacked to develop the
significant concept(s) for stage 1?
Students will be able to:
-Control the soccer ball with their feet
-Use proper passes for specific situations
-Know proper technique for shooting
-Know positions and spacing on the field of play
-Understand basic strategies and rules of the game
- Utilize communication and team work to achieve a common goal
Approaches to learning
How will this unit contribute to the overall development of subject-specific and general approaches to learning skills?
Community and Service:
By exploring soccer’s influence on cultures around the world, students will be able to gain a taste of other
cultures using the lens of soccer. This will help them deal with the unit question as well as focus in on the
significant concept of helping them realize that they indeed are just a small player in a giant, global world.
Ideally, it would be great if they could use what they learn about soccer to help them link with other
students around the world and develop community with them.
Learning experiences
How will students know what is expected of them? Will
they see examples, rubrics, templates?
How will students acquire the knowledge and practise
the skills required? How will they practise applying
Do the students have enough prior knowledge? How will
we know?
How will the students demonstrate that their learning was
enhanced by integrating internationalism or the
perspectives of multiple cultures?
 Students will be given an introduction to
the unit which will outline what is
expected from them.
 Each class will include instruction time
where the students will learn new skills
and concepts that they can apply
during their game situations. They will
always have time to practice these
skills before games begin so that they
can get the core skills down before
their games start.
 Most students had exposure to soccer last
year in physical education, so this year
will be building upon the skills that they
learned last year.
 Due to soccer being so international,
almost every move and skill can be
seen by other players around the
world. Many of the moves and
concepts that they will learning have
been developed and mastered by
foreign soccer minds. This will aid in
the students understanding and
grasping of the unit question that there
is a huge world out there for them to
connect with.
 Students will be given multiple
opportunities to practice and
demonstrate mastery of different
soccer skills.
Teaching strategies
How will we use formative assessment to give students feedback
during the unit?
What different teaching methodologies will we employ?
How are we differentiating teaching and learning for all? How have
we made provision for those learning in a language other than their
mother tongue? How have we considered those with special
educational needs?
How will the teacher know that international or intercultural
components of this unit impacted student learning?
 Skill tests and teacher evaluations will be used to
place students with those with similar skill sets
during the unit. It will also help balance the
teams so that hopefully no single team
dominates the competition aspect of the unit.
 Teacher led instruction, student led instruction,
individual group work sessions, individualized
practice will all be used to help students master
the necessary skills for soccer.
 Students who may be struggling with soccer
concepts will be given modified or simplified
tasks, where as those who have mastered
some of the skills will be given more difficult
tasks to accomplish. Those students that do not
have English as their mother tongue will be
grouped with students who will be able to help
them along in their learning. Also soccer is a
global language, so a lot of non-verbal learning
can take place. Those with special needs will
be given modified tasks so that they can
experience success as well.
 Soccer is the world’s sport. Each time that the
student plays soccer, they are joining in with the
rest of the world and participating in something
that is much larger than themselves.
What resources are available to us?
How will our classroom environment, local environment and/or the community be used to facilitate students’ experiences during
the unit?
Soccer fields, soccer goals, soccer balls, cones, pinnies, projector and computer capabilities.
The classroom will create a positive intercultural learning environment where the students will be able to
freely explore soccer’s impact on other cultures as well as their own.
Ongoing reflections and evaluation
In keeping an ongoing record, consider the following questions. There are further
stimulus questions at the end of the “Planning for teaching and learning” section of
MYP: From principles into practice.
Students and teachers
What did we find compelling? Were our disciplinary knowledge/skills challenged in any way?
What inquiries arose during the learning? What, if any, extension activities arose?
How did we reflect—both on the unit and on our own learning?
Which attributes of the learner profile were encouraged throughout this unit? What opportunities were there for student-initiated
Possible connections
How successful was the collaboration with other teachers within my subject group and from other subject groups?
What interdisciplinary understandings were or could be forged through collaboration with other subjects?
Were students able to demonstrate their learning?
How did the assessment tasks allow students to demonstrate the learning objectives identified for this unit? How did I make
sure students were invited to achieve at all levels of the criteria descriptors?
Are we prepared for the next stage?
Data collection
How did we decide on the data to collect? Was it useful?
Figure 12
MYP unit planner updated 2.4.10