For the second quarter, you will be creating a magazine... writing workshop. You should pick a topic that is related...

Independent Research- Magazine Article
For the second quarter, you will be creating a magazine article in
writing workshop. You should pick a topic that is related to water and
“A Long Walk to Water” that you would like to know more about. Then,
after researching in the library, you will write a magazine article
presenting the information in a well-written format. Not only should
your article be well-researched and well-written, but you should also
incorporate some of the design features of a magazine to make it look
like it belongs in a professional magazine.
5 pointsdoes not meet
10 pointsmeets
with a few
15 pointsmeets
20 pointsmeets and
SOL 6.6g
The main idea of the article is
SOL 6.6h
The article has sufficient and
appropriate supporting details.
SOL 6.8
The article is well-written with
correct grammar, spelling,
punctuation, and usage.
SOL 6.9a
The article is thoroughly
researched, using a variety of print
and electronic resources, which
are correctly cited. (at least 3
Total: ______out of 80
Here are the brainstorming ideas from a workshop for the
research project. These are just suggestions; you can come up
with their own subject.
Brainstorming for research
Types of bacteria in the water
Getting rid of Bacteria in water.
Natural filtrations systems
How water treatment plants work
Availability of water in different countries
Water cycle
Water in survival situations
Tools, straw, pill
Value of water in our bodies
Collecting rain water
Local history of water
Fauquier county….when did they have water.
Well water vs. Public water