Mrs. O’Connell’s Parent Newsletter Week of 5-2-2016

Mrs. O’Connell’s
Parent Newsletter
Classroom Needs:
Spring germs have arrived. We
really need some tissues and
hand sanitizer.
Week of 5-2-2016
Thank you to all of the parents who were chaperones on our class trip. The children seemed to really
enjoy themselves. Field Day was a huge success thanks to our amazing Enhancement team.
Thank you to all of the parents who showed up for student led conferences. The students did a great
job presenting their academic progress. If you were unable to attend please email me, we can have a
phone conference or set up a time for you to come in after school.
A special shout out to Parks Blumberg and Tony Rivera, we had our Science Olympiad competition on
Saturday and they both won metals for their events. I am so proud of how hard they both worked all year
in preparation for the competition.
Please remember to send in items for our Picnic/barbeque basket for Picnic in the Park. Items are
due May 13, 2016. I sent home a sign up genius.
May 3—March of Dimes walk during enhancements
May 4—Progress Reports go home
May 20—Bowling Field Trip (I need a lot of chaperones…) Please send back permission slip that
went home last week with the $8.00 fee.
Important Testing Information
EOG test days
Science—May 27 (this is the Friday before Memorial Day!
ELA—June 1st
Math - June 2nd
This week in School:
Reading: The children will be learning about all the different elements of a drama and performing a
reader’s theater play for their classmates.
We will also be reading Scholastic News.
Vocabulary: Understanding Force and Motion vocabulary words will go home on Monday. The test will
be Tuesday, May 10th.
Writing: The children next probe is on one of Newton’s Laws of Motion. Probes will be due on May 13,
Math: We are learning about Geometry.
Science: We are learning about Force and Motion.
Homework for week of 5-2-2016
It is time to start reviewing. I have EOG review links on my webpage.
Reading: Scholastic News test due on Friday.
Vocabulary: students will be completing a foldable for their vocabulary words.
Spelling: Write spelling words three times each in cursive due on Friday. Spelling test will be on Friday.
Science- study science definitions for 15 minutes a night. We will have a L to J quiz every week. (It does
not count as a grade)
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at 704-819-1698