1st Quarter Math Common Core Curriculum 1st Grade Core Standard 1.NBT.2 Understand tens and ones in a two digit number. 1.NBT.2 Compare two numbers with the symbols <, =, and > 1.MD.1 Order 3 objects by length. 1.OA.1 Add and Subtract to 10 using objects and pictures to solve word pictures 1.OA.6 Demonstrate fluency for addition and subtraction to 10. 1.OA.3 Use strategies to add and subtract 1.OA.5 Counting on and counting back in addition and subtraction. 1.OA.4 Understand that subtraction is finding the unknown part of an addition problem 1.OA.7 Determine if equations involving addition and subtraction are true or false. 1.OA.8 Find the unknown in a + or – equation with three whole numbers. 1.NBT.1 Rote Count to 120 starting at any number less than 120. Not Yet