Document 17614567

Here you will find some important information about our Kindergarten policies and procedures. Some of this
information will be specific to students in Mrs. Lawing’s class, while other parts may apply to all classes at
Lakeshore Elementary. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Please keep this for a reference
throughout the year! It is also available on my website should you need it. Thank you!
If your child is absent from school, please send a note stating the dates of absence and
reason. If you know your child will be absent ahead of time, please send a written note to
let me know. Regular attendance without tardiness is a key to the success of your child’s
Students should plan to arrive between 7:15 and 7:25. School begins promptly at 7:30. If
he/she enters the building after this time, a tardy slip must be picked up from the office.
The school day ends at 2:15.
Birthdays are special occasions for young children. If your child wishes, he/she may bring
cookies or cupcakes to share with classmates at lunchtime. They must be store-bought;
homemade items will not be allowed. Please let me know ahead of time. Please check with
your child’s teacher about possible food allergies.
Book Orders
Every month or so I will send home Scholastic Book order forms for you and your child to
look over. These clubs offer wonderful books at reduced prices. What a great way to
build your child’s home library!
On the first day your child comes to school, send a full change of clothes (including socks,
shoes and underwear) in a bag labeled with his/her name. We will use them for
emergencies. Send a new change of clothes each season and replace clothes that were
I will be sending home a monthly calendar with details about your child’s daily behavior,
classroom news, special activities, and upcoming events. Please leave this calendar in your
child’s purple folder for daily use!
Because all children are unique and special, they may be at many different instructional
levels. Since it is my responsibility to take each child from where he or she is to a higher
level, students may be learning concepts different from his/her peers. With this type of
teaching in the classroom, you can be sure that your child's individual needs will be met.
To establish good order in the classroom and help the children learn self-control, the
children will be guided to respect themselves, respect the school, and respect others
through specific directions, positive reinforcement, and consequences. A behavior log will
come home in your child’s folder and will need to be initialed daily. Rules and
consequences to come!
Your child will have a dismissal tag on their backpack until he/she becomes familiar with
dismissal procedures. We will use these to get your child home safely each day.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email me at I try to
check my email first thing in the morning; I check it at least once a day, but usually more.
Please have your child wear shoes that are appropriate for running and active movement. Flip
flops, dress shoes, and cowboy boots are not good for school activities because they are
slippery and inappropriate for the gym or the playground. Specifically, wear appropriate shoes
on PE days!
Guided Reading
Guided reading encompasses a wide variety of behaviors. For example, some children may be
working on alphabet recognition; some may require teacher support to read stories with
predictable text, while others may read simple texts independently. Guided reading provides
an opportunity to teach children a variety of reading strategies they need in order to become
fluent, independent readers. During guided reading, the teacher monitors and evaluates each
child's progress.
Hands-on Learning The best way to help children learn is to make learning fun. Important concepts can be learned
by doing meaningful hands-on activities. There are times when seatwork is required and
necessary, but for the most part our classroom will be an active learning environment.
Your child will have monthly homework activities to complete which include online reading.
These activities and reading practices promote home involvement and allow for reinforcement
of reading, writing, math, science, and social studies concepts taught in class. Please take the
time to enjoy this special learning time with your child, as homework time should never be
stressful. Please let me know if you ever have any concerns about homework.
The question of when to keep your child home from school is often a difficult one, especially
when decisions must be made first thing in the morning. It is important, however, to keep your
child home if he/she is ill. This helps to make them more comfortable and prevents others
from becoming ill. Children function more effectively in the classroom when they are healthy.
Children must be FEVER FREE WITHOUT MEDICATION for 24 HOURS before returning to
Because children learn to read by reading, they need plenty of opportunities to read
independently. Sufficient time and appropriate materials are necessary to develop and
strengthen reading abilities. By giving the children time to read both at school and at home, we
can work together to provide a literature-rich environment and a life-long love of reading.
One strategy that will be used to help our young children develop the love for writing is
“journal writing.” In these journals, the kindergartners combine their emerging writing skills
with their drawing skills. As the children are exposed to a variety of phonics and reading
experiences, journal entries will move from drawings and “phonetic” spellings towards more
conventional writing.
Students in our classroom are encouraged and expected to treat all members of our
class as well as others with kindness and respect. Hitting, fighting, name-calling, and
making fun of others will not be permitted.
We will visit the library every other week and sometimes in between. Our librarian will
read to the students and teach them basic library skills. Take time to enjoy reading
the library books with your child that he/she brings home. Please see the weekly
newsletter for when to return books.
Lost & Found
We have a Lost and Found area located in each hallway. We ask that you label all items
brought to school by your child - including jackets, lunchboxes, backpacks, etc. This will
help us return lost items to their owners.
Our class will eat lunch from 12:15-12:40. Children may either purchase their lunch or
bring it from home. Please send lunch money in an envelope marked with your child’s
name, teacher’s name, and lunch number. Or, you may go to to manage
your child’s account online. You may also send $.50/$.85 for chips or ice cream. You
are welcome to come eat lunch with your child; however, please meet us in the
cafeteria. The school has asked that parents visit according to the last name schedule
to avoid overcrowding.
The kindergarten mathematics curriculum provides students with mathematical experiences
that will help them develop number sense and a positive attitude towards mathematics. We
use a hands-on, problem solving approach.
I will email a weekly newsletter with curriculum and other important information. Please
read each newsletter to keep up with upcoming events and activities in class.
Outside Play
The children will be going out for at least 20 minutes of recess every day. Please keep this
in mind when helping your child to select clothing for the day. Children should not wear flip
flops for rigorous activities.
Parties &
We will have special centers from time to time for occasions such as Christmas, Valentine’s
Day, End of the Year, etc. Room parents usually organize these events and coordinate
volunteers as well as donations. All parents are welcome to participate in the festivities, but
please find alternate care for younger siblings to allow some special one-on-one time with
your kindergartener!
The telephone number at school is (704) 660-5970. Or, you can send or a quick note on the
back of the daily calendar in the morning or an email at: . You may schedule a conference with me at anytime during the year to
discuss your child’s progress or to express questions or concerns.
Room Parent
The room parent’s job is to be available for any number of things: to help coordinate parties
and activities, locate volunteers, collect supplies from parents, etc. Being a room parent is a
great way to be involved in your child’s school life. If you are interested, please let me know.
Please send your child to school with a nutritious snack each day. We will try to keep extra
snacks on hand for those that forget to bring one, so please try to help us out by sending
extra snacks occasionally throughout the year. We ask that you send a dry snack and water
for in the classroom to minimize mess. Juice and items like fruit cups, yogurt, and pudding
cups may be eaten at lunchtime.
If your child has a change in transportation, you must send a written note to school with
your child. Phone calls will not be accepted this year. Please supply all details of the change
– child’s full name, teacher, bus #, who will be picking up your child, etc. Please also include
the date, your phone number, and signature. Also please mark the change on the calendar
inside his/her purple folder.
Kindergartners learn that they are special and unique. They will have many opportunities to
describe how they are alike as well as different from others.
School policy requires that ALL visitors (including familiar faces) sign in at the office and
wear a visitor badge. This policy will ensure the safety of your child. After the first day of
school, please adhere to this policy.
I have updated my webpage for the school year. The website has copies of sight word
lists and teacher information. I may also add new things throughout the year and will let
you know of any changes. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Wish List
Throughout the year, we sometimes need supplies above and beyond our classroom
materials. These needs will be posted in our class newsletter. Extra items that you think
we might be able to use are always welcome!
eXtra Special
Kindergarten is an eXtra special learning year for your child. Your child will get the
foundation of all learning from this important first year of school.
It is in your child’s and the program’s best interest to have our parent volunteers
available without younger children. This not only allows your full attention to be focused
on the class, but also allows for some special time between you and your kindergartner.
Thank you for making childcare arrangements for younger siblings when you volunteer in
the classroom or attend classroom celebrations.
Make sure that your child gets plenty of rest. Setting and keeping a bedtime is a
wonderful gift you can give to your child. It will help them to be alert and ready to
We are looking forward to a wonderful Kindergarten year full of learning and fun!