Criterion A: Inquiring and Analysing IB MYP Level 3 Design

Criterion A: Inquiring and Analysing
3D Printing Will Change the World Project
IB MYP Level 3 Design
What is my project about? Go to the project’s webpage to read and analyze the important
details and resources. Then return here. Use the project's webpage when you need certain
information and/or specific resources to answer a question or complete a task.
Rubrics for Criterion A: Inquiring and Analyzing
*Read and analyze this rubrics chart from the bottom up (starting with Rubric score of 7/8). *
MYP Score/
IB MYP Design Level
The student does not reach a
standard described by any of the
Non-Scoreable descriptors below.
Exploring Career Decisions Description
None of the descriptors below are
attempted or not enough evidence is
The student:
i. states the need for a solution to
Some of the requirements for essay,
Limited Success a problem.
paragraphs, charts/lists/checklists, research, and
ii. states some of the main
cited sources are met.
findings of relevant research.
The student:
i. outlines the need for a solution
to a problem.
ii. states the research needed to
develop a solution, with some
Most of the requirements for essay,
iii. outlines one existing product paragraphs, charts/lists/checklists, research, and
cited sources are met.
that inspires a solution to the
iv. develops a basic design brief,
which outlines some of relevant
The student:
All minimum requirements are met:
i. explains the need for a solution Each essay and paragraph explains details that
to a problem.
are required, according to the specifics asked in
each question.
ii. constructs a research plan,
which states and prioritizes the Each chart, list, or checklist follows
primary and secondary research minimum specifications and instructions
needed to develop a solution to
regarding the content and information for it.
the problem, with some
Meets minimum research requirements for the
project and the research is listed, described,
iii. describes a group of similar and discussed.
products that inspire a solution to
Three sources are correctly cited and listed in
the problem.
alphabetical order in MLA format, and each
iv. develops a design brief, which source is discussed and explained.
outlines the findings of relevant
Goes above and beyond meeting all minimum
Each essay and paragraph
is creatively and thoroughly explains,
i. explains and justifies the need discusses, analyzes, evaluates, and reflects with
for a solution to a problem.
details that are required, according to the
specifics asked in each question.
ii. constructs a research plan,
which states and prioritizes the Each chart, checklist, or list is creative, more
primary and secondary research than follows minimum specifications
needed to develop a solution to
and thoroughly follows instructions. regarding
the problem, independently.
the content and information required for it.
The student:
iii. analysis of a group of similar More than the minimum research required for
products that inspire a solution to the project (i.e., data, graphics, and optional
the problem.
sound) is thoroughly listed, described,
discussed, analyzed, and evaluated with
iv. develops a design brief, which
presents the analysis of relevant
More than three sources are correctly cited and
listed in alphabetical order in MLA format, and
each source is thoroughly
discussed, explained, analyzed, and evaluated
You are required to save your work in an organized way on Google Drive.
1. Create a new folder on Google Drive and name it 3D Printing Will Change the World Project.
2. Open your project folder.
3. Inside of your project folder, create two or three new folders:
a. Name one folder Evidence of Work to save your criterion evidence of work documents with
process journals, charts/tables/outlines, etc.
b. Will we need additional folders for this project?
4. Inside your Evidence of Work folder, create a new Google doc and name it Criterion A.
a. Choose font type Arial or Times New Roman and font type 12.
b. At the top of the page, type your name (include your last name, please) block, and the
words Date Handed In. When you submit your assignment here at Canvas, you will be
expected to accurately key the current date of submission.
c. Beginning with the title, Criterion A: Inquiring and Analysing below ("Analysing" is the
IB/British English spelling), select and highlight all of the information to the bottom and copy it.
Make sure that you have highlighted and copied all of it.
d. Then Paste it onto your Criterion A document at Google Drive. Use this original form. Do
not delete directions, questions, instructions for tasks, etc. Do not rearrange any data or
information. Only titles and headings should be centered aligned. Everything else
(directions, questions, answers, etc.) is to be left aligned.
e. Fix any formatting issues (spacing, recreating table or charts, etc.). Pay attention and follow
along in class as the teacher demonstrates how to do this.
- Select/highlight the entire document.
- Select Single Space from the Line Spacing Icon.
- Select font size 12.
- Select either Arial or Times New Roman.
- Fix text alignment and spacing issues
f. Otherwise, in general, please keep the formatting as it is.
g. Do not add extra bold, italicize or underline regular text or data. You may notice this has
already been done either for emphasis or to assist you with finding a section. Titles and headings
should be in bold.
h. Please keep the titles, headings, directions, questions, etc., in their original color (mostly
i. You may use any readable dark color if you would like your answers and data in
charts/tables/outlines to stand out.
j. When you finish and are ready to submit your entire Criterion A work, please delete the four
paragraphs below your Criterion A Peer Review/Evaluation form. You are reminded this towards
the end of this document.
5. Now begin your work for Criterion A. Pay attention in class for explanations and pacing
guide with dates to complete this on time.
***When you complete all required work for Criterion A and become ready to submit all
of it, return here for instructions about how to submit your document here at Canvas.
Criterion A: Inquiring and Analysing
Level 3 My Career Investigations Design Project
Criterion A, Objective 1
I can explain and justify the need for a solution to a problem.
Evidence of Work - Classwork and Homework
Describe, discuss, and analyze your Criterion Objective 1 Evidence of Work. Be very
thorough and cite specifics as you answer questions, provide information, and follow
instructions. This objective may be completed individually and/or cooperatively by using
our Think-Pair-Share blended learning strategy. To clarify, each student is responsible to
complete a document, but may work with a classmate to work on their two documents
together. To be on pace to finish Criterion A work on time, Objective 1 work should be
completed by the date announced in class.
1. In a paragraph of seven or more sentences, in your own words - discuss, explain, and analyze
the teacher’s expectations regarding the assignments, tasks, and works to do in order to
thoroughly and successfully complete your project? Discuss what the project is about and exactly
what all the specifics it involves, including the objectives, tasks, and rubrics for each criterion(A,
B, C, and D). For this project, first read the information at this project’s webpage at Mr. Free’s
class website. Then read the Introduction on page 2 of your 3-D Printing: Vehicle Engineering
Notebook. Browse and skim through all of your engineering notebook. Look at the Design Cycle
webpage and think about how the Design Cycle applies to our 3D printing unit.
2. What limitations or constraints must I work within? In a paragraph of four or more sentences,
explore, discuss, and analyze both expected and potential unexpected limitations or constraints
that you must work within on your project,. Specifically and thoroughly analyze expected limits
or constraints of time, resources, and other areas (e.g., technology skills, background knowledge,
research skills, present and future distractions, etc.)
3. In a paragraph of four or more sentences, discuss and analyze three or more examples of
authentic connections to the real world and daily life. Other words, how does the problem (or
project) relate to the real world? For this project, provide specific examples of how 3D printing
is used in vehicle engineering, health and medicine, etc. How does using the Design Cycle mirror
real life?
4. In a paragraph of seven or more sentences, discuss, explain, analyze, evaluate, and reflect
exactly what you will do to successfully complete your project and do your best work. Other
words, what do you need to do in order to make this your best work?
5. How can I make sure that I have included everything the teacher has asked for?
6. Create an organized chart, a list, or a bubble map with ten or more steps or tasks that serves as
an appropriate test or checklist for everything that you expect you will do to successfully
complete the entire project (Criteria A, B, C, and D; process journals, etc.). You may create a
table or a checklist right here. If you use another digital source, it should copy/paste here. If you
hand draw a bubble map, for example, hand it to me in class (with your name/block) when you
submit Criterion A here online.
7. In a paragraph of three or more sentences, explain why your checklist is an appropriate test of
checklist for your project that will help you to meet both your and the teacher’s expectations.
Criterion A, Objective 1 Process Journal
1. In two or more sentences, explain why is it important that you know and then communicate in,
both your expectations and the teacher’s expectations for your project? How are they alike and
2. In two or more sentences, discuss how recognizing potential limitations or constraints
will help you to successfully complete your project?
3. In two or more sentences, explain how is it relevant that you be able to understand and apply,
and then communicate examples of authentic, real-world applications about careers.
4. In two or more sentences, explain why is it important that you know and then communicate
exactly what you will need to do to make your project your best work.
5. In two or more sentences, explain why is it important that you be able to understand and then
communicate with both your chart, list, or bubble map and your paragraph about how you will
make sure that you have included everything that your project requires (or what the teacher is
asking for).
Criterion A, Objective 2
I can construct a research plan, which states and prioritizes the primary and
secondary research needed to develop a solution to the problem.
Evidence of Work - Classwork and Homework
Describe, discuss, and analyze your Criterion Objective 2 Evidence of Work. Be very
thorough and cite specifics as you answer questions, provide information, and follow
instructions. To be on pace to finish Criterion A work on time, Objective 2 work should be
completed by the date announced in class. For a homework grade, show the teacher your
research on your document, by the date announced in class.
* Primary research is where we collect information first hand from a source by using interviews
or questionnaires.
* Secondary research is where we collect information from books, the Internet, magazines, etc.
1. Purposefully reread the article in this link: (Links to an external site.). Then in a paragraph of four
or more sentences, discuss, analyze, and evaluate both your strengths (the research skills that you
already know and do) and your opportunities for improvement (the research skills that you need
to know). Note: This is an updated evaluation and reflection about your research skills since
your Career Investigations project from the first semester.
2. What research do I need to conduct? Don’t copy/paste or plagiarize. You may use a free
online plagiarism checker via Google, such as As you conduct,
collect, and paraphrase (rewrite in your own words) your research data below, also correctly cite
your sources used in MLA format/ABC order in part C below.
*Complete all of the following information for your research for each of these items
regarding basic information about the following 3D Printers. Some of this information will
be used with our next chart for Objective 3 as well – but in a different context. These Internet
sources should provide most of the information you need. If needed, please use Dogpile or your
favorite search engine for additional sources. Optional: Complete the blank row on the bottom if
you have another 3D printer you would like to explore. An additional row is provided at the
bottom in case you want to look at another 3D printer that interests you and is not listed. Also,
add additional sources in your Works Cited in the next section below (#3).
Name of 3D
What are the
features of
this 3D
Exactly what
does this 3D
printer allow
you to do?
How much
does this 3D
printer cost?
What are the
terms of
Discuss and
where and
how this 3D
printer may
be used?
Afinia H480
3D Printer
Note: This is the
printer we have in
our classroom.
Metal Simple
3D Printer
3. What resources am I using? All sources (minimum of three) are to be cited in MLA format
and in alphabetical order. Create a citation for each specific website (or other source) that you
used to collect information and graphics (and optional audio/video files) for your research. Use
Citation Machine - MLA Citations at (Links to an external
site.). For websites, use (Links to an external
* For your Bibliography or Works Cited, list your sources here in MLA format (in
alphabetical order) here. Citations for the sources from the chart are already listed for you.
Examine the formatting of a Works Cited page or word processing document.
 It’s double-spaced throughout the entire document.
 The heading or title is centered.
 The sources are listed in alphabetical order.
 The first line of each entry is at the left margin.
 Extra lines are indented approximately ½ inch or five letter spaces.
 As not shown or applied here, a Works Cited page is located on one or more pages on
its own.
Works Cited
"Afinia H480 3D Printer - Afinia 3D Printer." Afinia 3D Printer. Web. 18 Nov. 2015.
"Afinia H480 3D Printer - See How It Works! | Michaels." YouTube. YouTube. Web. 18 Nov.
2015. <>.
"Afinia H480 Review - Get Results Without Worrying About Technology | 3D Printing for
Beginners." 3D Printing for Beginners Afinia H480 Review Get Results Without Worrying
About Technology Comments. Web. 18 Nov. 2015.
"Assembled Printrbot Simple - Printrbot." Printrbot. Web. 18 Nov. 2015.
"CubePro 3D Printer Review." YouTube. YouTube. Web. 18 Nov. 2015.
"Cubify CubePro Review 2016 | 3D Printer Reviews." TopTenREVIEWS. Web. 18 Nov. 2015.
"M Series 3D Printers." M Series 3D Printers. Web. 18 Nov. 2015.
"Makergear M2 First Print." YouTube. YouTube. Web. 18 Nov. 2015.
M2 Reviews & Ratings." 3D Hubs. Web. 18 Nov. 2015.
"Print Big, Print Accurate." Professional 3D Printer. Web. 18 Nov. 2015.
"Printrbot Simple Maker Review - Ultra-Budget 3D Printer." Tom's Guide. 8 July 2014. Web. 18
Nov. 2015. <,review2246.html>.
"Tested In-Depth: 3D Printing with Printrbot Simple Metal." YouTube. YouTube. Web. 18 Nov.
2015. <>.
Criterion A, Objective 2 Process Journal
1. In two or more sentences, in your own words, discuss the difference between primary
research and secondary research.
2. In two or more sentences, discuss why is it important that you be aware, be knowledgeable,
and keep updated about your own research skills.
3. In two or more sentences, in your own words, explain what plagiarism is and why it is
important that you follow the copyright law and fair use guidelines. If you don’t know any of
these terms, you may look them up but rewrite them in your own words and give
citation right below the bottom of this paragraph.
4. In two or more sentences, explain why it is important that you thoroughly research and type
data that you will need for your presentation.
5. In two or more sentences, explain why is it important to cite sources and create a
bibliography (or works cited).
Criterion A, Objective 3
I can analyze a group of similar products that inspire a solution to the problem.
Evidence of Work - Classwork and Homework
1. As you research and explore online, compare and contrast the following group of four
different 3D printers by completing the following chart. These are the same Internet sources
from Objective 2 and they should provide most of the information you need. Please use Dogpile
or your favorite search engine for additional sources. These Internet sources should provide most
of the information you need. Please use Dogpile or your favorite search engine for additional
sources. Optional: Use the extra row on the bottom if you have another 3D printer you would
like to explore.
Name of 3D
How are the
What are the
What are the What are the
Is this 3D
Printer with
features of this
3D printer
different from
the other 3D
problems and
limitations of
the software or
software or
What do you
like best?
software’s or
? What did
you like least?
printer cost
effective? If
yes, explain
exactly how.
If no,
explain why
Afinia H480 3D
Metal Simple
3D Printer
Criterion A, Objective 3 Process Journal
1. In a paragraph of three or more sentences, discuss, analyze, and reflect what you learned
from comparing and contrasting a group of similar presentation products or software.
2. Answer each of the following questions for reflection. How did you feel about what you
have done so far for your project? Was it satisfying? Frustrating? Rewarding? What has gone
well? What have you learned so far? What needed to be improved? What other reflections do
you have at this stage of the project?
3. In two or more sentences, discuss what’s next? Explain how the things you did today will
lead you towards your next steps for homework and our next class meeting.
Criterion A, Objective 4
I can develop a design brief, which presents the analysis of relevant research.
Evidence of Work - Classwork and Homework
Describe, discuss, and analyze your Criterion A, Objective 4 Evidence of Work. Be very
thorough and cite specifics as you answer questions, provide information, and follow
instructions. Except for the Criterion A Peer Review/Evaluation form, please complete this
objective individually; ask teacher questions, for help, etc. To be on pace to finish Criterion A
work on time, Objective 4 and the Criterion A Peer Review/Evaluation work should be
completed by the date announced in class. Your Criterion A Peer Review/Evaluation form
will also be a classwork grade.
1. In an essay of 15 lines (Times New Roman, font size 12, and 1 inch margins) or longer,
discuss, explain, analyze, and evaluate your research for Criterion A, Objective 2, part B. Be
thorough and cite specifics as you write about what information you researched.
2. In an essay of 10 or more lines (Times New Roman, size 12, and 1 inch margins) or longer,
discuss, explain, analyze, and evaluate each and every source that you listed for Criterion A,
Objective 2, part C. You will also compare and contrast your sources. Specifically refer to
websites by name as you explain what types of things you found on one website compared to
what you found on another website. Discuss how they were alike and different. Analyze and
evaluate each source used. How do you know that each source is credible, valid, reliable, and
Criterion A, Objective 4 Process Journal
1. In three or more sentences, explain how is it helpful that you thoroughly analyze and
evaluate your researched data that you will need for your presentation.
2. In two or more sentences, explain why is it important that you analyze and evaluate each
source, and to also compare and contrast sources used.
3. In a paragraph of four or more sentences, reflect, analyze, and evaluate your use of Criterion
A: Inquiring and analyzing - of the design cycle. Did you thoroughly detail both yours and
teachers expectations? How do you feel about your time, effort, and work of finding,
collecting, and analyzing your research? How did you know that your sources were valid and
reliable? What are your strengths for Criterion A? What did you do best? What are your
OFI’s (opportunities for improvement)? What would you do differently if you had to do it
over? (Guess what? You may make any changes, additions, improvements, corrections, etc.,
right now to improve the quality of your work!)
Your Name:
Criterion A Peer Review/Evaluation Form
Peer Evaluator’s Name:
Date of Review/Evaluation:
Directions: Have a peer complete this form to honestly and authentically evaluate your Criterion
A work. Your peer is expected to be very thorough, authentic, and cite specifics as you cite
evidence and complete this form. Reminder: For this activity only, you have permission to type
on a classmate's laptop. Listen in class for further instructions and explanations.
Design Cycle Question Number with
What Is the Evidence?
1. In a paragraph of eight sentences or
longer, the student discusses, explains,
and analyzes details about the
assignments, tasks, and expectations to
be completed in order to successfully
complete the project.
2. In paragraph of five or more
sentences, the student discusses and
analyzes what limitations or constraints
“must I work within.
3. In a paragraph of five or more
sentences, the student clearly discusses
and analyzes three or more examples
that make authentic connections about
the project to the real world and daily
4. In a paragraph of eight or more
sentences, the student thoroughly
explains specifics of “What do I need to
do to make sure I do my best work?” in
order to successfully complete the
5. With a chart, a list, or a bubble map,
and in a paragraph of three or more
sentences, the student shows and
explains “How can I make sure that I
have included everything the teacher
has asked for?”
6. The student thoroughly completes
the Objective 1 Process Journal by
meeting or exceeding minimum
requirements for addressing the topics
and sentence length for each short
discussion question.
7. In a paragraph of five or more
sentences, the student identifies both
the strengths and opportunities for
improvement with her or his research
8. The student thoroughly
provides All (not some) research
needed to successfully complete the
project is provided. Images or graphics
and optional audio/video files are
described only, not posted. Reminder:
Don’t print pictures.
9. Three or more sources are correctly
cited and listed in alphabetical order in
MLA format.
10. The student thoroughly completes
the Objective 2 Process Journal by
meeting or exceeding minimum
requirements for addressing the topics
and sentence length for each short
discussion question.
11. Each chart, list, or bubble map
meets or exceeds minimum
specifications and instructions
regarding the content and information
for it.
12. The student thoroughly completes
the Objective 3 Process Journal by
meeting or exceeding minimum
requirements for addressing the topics
and sentence length for each short
discussion question.
13. In an essay of twenty more lines,
the student follows the font and
margins requirements and explains,
analyzes, and evaluates researched data
or information, graphics or images, and
– if chosen – optional audio or sound
and video files.
14. In an essay of fifteen or more lines,
the student follows the font and
margins requirements; explains,
analyzes, and evaluates each and every
source used; and compares and
contrasts her or his sources used.
15. The student thoroughly completes
the Objective 4 Process Journal by
meeting or exceeding minimum
requirements for addressing the topics
and sentence length for each short
discussion question.
16. This Criterion A Peer
Review/Evaluation Form was
completed with honesty, authenticity,
and fidelity.
Based on the results of the peer review/evaluation form, revise and proofread your work.
What are your strengths and opportunities for improvement? Did you go above and beyond
meeting minimum expectations and requirements? Does your work also consider the big picture,
global perspectives, international mindedness, etc. Are your responses thorough and specific?
At Google Drive, use both spell check and your brain to correct errors in spelling,
capitalization, sentence structure (e.g., subject/verb agreement), and other standard English
grammar issues. Please use standard English. For example, use "and," not "&;" capitalize "I," etc.
Are your paragraphs indented properly (approximately five to eight spaces)? Use this original
form. Do not delete directions, questions, instructions for tasks, etc. Do not rearrange any data or
information. Only titles and headings should be centered aligned. Everything else (directions,
questions, answers, etc.) is to be left aligned.
*When submitting a project's criterion document at Canvas:
a. Use the original form that you were directed to copy and paste onto a Google doc and follow
all instructions on both the criterion document and here. If not, a submitted assignment will be
unacceptable and may result in a temporary 0-50 until the document is resubmitted correctly.
b. At this assignment's Canvas webpage, click the Submit Assignment button at the top.
c. Copy your entire criterion document on Google Drive and paste it in the Text Entry box.
d. As you proofread your work again, make sure that your first/last name, class block, and date
handed in are accurately typed at the top of the page.
e. Fix any formatting issues:
1. Select/highlight all text and select font size 12.
2. Then scroll up to the top of your document. As you slowly scroll down, read and correct
any formatting issues, including spacing between lines.
3. Please keep all text left aligned.
4. Use of color on titles/headings and answers are optional. Titles/headings may be in
bold. Answers are to be in plain text (not bolded). Questions, directions, etc. are to be black
color. If the colors are too bright or light and difficult to read, a submitted assignment will be
unacceptable and may result in a temporary 0-50 until the document is resubmitted correctly.
5. Add borders to both charts or tables by clicking inside the table. Then click the down
arrow by the Table icon, then click Table Properties, type 1 inside the box for Border, and click
OK. If the charts or tables are without borders, a submitted assignment will be unacceptable and
may result in a temporary 0-50 until the document is resubmitted correctly.
6. Using the Comments section is optional, if you want to explain something, share ideas,
remind the teacher of specific dates you were absent from class, etc. Then click the Submit
Assignment button at the bottom and if applicable, hand in any printed or hand-created
paperwork with your name and class block type or written on each sheet. Next, begin Criterion
7. Remember to click the blue Submit Assignment button at the bottom of the text entry form.
Verify submission by reading the screen. Thank you! 