Why People Work and Changes in the World of Work

Why People Work and Changes in the World of Work
Homework – Due date to be announced
In class, both advanced organizers - Why People Work and Changes in the World or
Work – will be handed out. They are also available on pages 2 and 3 of this document,
if needed.
Part 1
Directions are printed on the page, but in summary, for Why People Work, you will
interview five working adults and ask them to rank reasons why they work on a scale of
1 to 3 (as shown on the paper). EACH ADULT MUST SIGN THE PAPER IN ORDER FOR
YOU TO GET CREDIT. You must turn in this paper.
Part 2
For Changes in the World of Work, you will ask several additional questions to two of
the adults you interview. You may do more if you wish, but you MUST ask these
questions to at least two of the adults you spoke to in part 1. Preferably, these will be
professionals or people in a management position so that they can provide insight into
how their company has dealt with some workplace changes, even if they personally
haven't been affected. You can use the blank spaces on this paper to take notes, but
what you need to turn in to get credit for this part of the assignment will be a one-page
essay – either typed or handwritten – summarizing and specifically addressing what you
learned about the four questions from these interviews.
You may have thought the only reason people work is for the money. It is true that money is
the most common reason people give for why they work, but there are many other reasons.
This activity will give you the opportunity to examine reasons why people work.
Directions: Interview at least five people to see their reasons for working. You may only use TWO
NVIB faculty members. Ask each person to rank the importance of each reason listed below. The
answers will be rated on a 3-point scale: 1= very important; 2= somewhat important; 3= not important.
Each person interviewed must sign this paper to verify their responses. Do not procrastinate!! This
interview sheet will be due on _______.
Reason for Working
1= Very Imp.
2= Somewhat
3= Not
Good working
Being in charge, being
my own boss
Helping Others
“Good” people to work
Enjoy responsibility
and making decisions
Opportunity to
accomplish something
Chance for promotions
Stay busy/ Occupy
Work Alone
Learn new things
Help our economy
Other reasons: Please
Be sure to document and thank each person that takes time to answer your questions.
Please sign below:
Name of Person Interviewed
Occupation/ Job
For at least two of the adults you interview, ask them these further questions about their careers and
some factors which have had an impact on their career. Please summarize their answers and what
you learned from talking about these issues into a report on a separate piece of paper (can be
handwritten or done on the computer.)
1. Have you ever had an opportunity to telecommute (work from home or another location and connect
to your office using computer technology?) Does anyone in your company telecommute? What types
of positions are able to telecommute in your company, either part time or full time?
2. How do you think the global economy has affected the US job market in general? How do you think
it has affected jobs in other countries? How has it impacted your company?
3. How has technology changed the way your company does business? Do you use technology (or
equipment) in your job? How has the technology (or equipment) you use at work changed in the past
5 years? Has it changed the way you do your job?
4. What other workplace changes have you seen in your job? How are you in your job and your
company overall doing things differently than one year ago, five years ago and ten years ago?