IB MYP Horizontal/Vertical Planner Subject Area: ______Language A___________ MYP Level: ____2____________ Time Frame Unit Topic 5 Weeks People in other places do not enjoy certain advantages that we take for granted. 4 Weeks Utopia Societies are difficult to achieve and require much sacrifice. MYP Objectives Compose pieces that apply ageappropriate literary and/or non-literary features to serve the context and intention Recognize and comment on the language, content, structure and meaning of familiar and unfamiliar age-appropriate oral, written and visual texts Use language to narrate describe, explain, argue persuade and entertain Express feelings, organize ideas and arguments in a coherent and logical manner 4 Weeks Nature can be C create work that employs harsh and Organizational structures and dangerous yet L language-specific humans can adapt conventions throughout a variety of to survive in text types. some of the harshest organize ideas and arguments conditions in a coherent and logical manner imaginable. State/Provincial Standards AoI 1.02-summarize the characteristics of expressive works. Make connections between works, self and related topics 3.03-unerstanding the importance of establishing a firm judgment Community and Service 1.02 –creating and artistic interpretation that connects self and/or society to the selection. 6.01- applying language conventions and usage during oral presentations. 2.01-analyzing the characteristics of informational works. 2.02-comparing, contrasting and evaluating information from different sources about the same Human Ingenuity Environments MYP Vertical and Horizontal Matrix Revised 2009 Significant Concept (AoI Student Learning Expectation) Humans are responsible to others and for the quality of the lives of others It is difficult for humans to thrive in Utopian societies because of our independent individual nature. Human beings have a responsibility to be the caretakers of the Earth. MYP Unit Question How much of a difference can I make in my community and in the world? Is a Utopian Society a realistic idea? MYP Assessment Task Students will write a letter to Greg Mortenson requesting that he build a school in their village. Write an Essay Tic Tac Toe ProjectsStudents choose three. Oral Response to Literature Essay Students will work on a group project, students will analyze the idea of Utopia Design a Utopian society How can humans live in a way that will not impact the planet and the other species that live on it negatively? Oral Response to Literature Students will compare and contrast fiction and non-fiction works L to J Preview/ Review Essay MYP Criteria Criterion A Content Student's Projects Tic Tac toe Project Criteria C Format of Letter Write an Essay Create a Project Class Presentation Criterion B Organization Following planning documents to write an essay Criterion A Content Design a Utopian Society Criterion AContent Write a five paragraph essay discussing man vs. nature in The Call of the Wild Criterion C 1 topic 5 Weeks Fantasy can seem real and reality can be fantastic Use language accurately Use appropriate and varied register, vocabulary and idiom Use correct grammar and syntax 5.02-analyse what effect genre specific characteristics have on the meaning of the work. Health and Social Education Time is relative How am I impacted by the lives of others? 6.01-apply the parts of speech to clarify language usage. 4 Weeks 5 Weeks 5 Weeks Human beings often make serious mistakes Growing up requires acceptance of new responsibility with new freedom Learning about the World Around Us 4.01-examining any bias, apparent or hidden messages, emotional factors, or propaganda techniques understand and begin to apply language A terminology in context. 4.03-remaining fair minded and open to other interpretations create work that employs organizational 3.02 recognizing and/or creating an structures and language-specific conventions throughout a variety of text organizing structure types. appropriate to purpose, audience organize ideas and arguments and context in a Understanding the coherent and logical manner. effect of the author’s craft on the reader, viewer or listener. express a relevant personal 5.01-analysing response to themes and central ideas in literary and non-literary texts. literature and recognize and comment on the language, content, structure and meaning of familiar and unfamiliar age-appropriate oral, written and visual texts. PoetryFollow a pattern to write poetry choose correct parts of speechuse metaphor simile etc. Creative Writing Human Ingenuity Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. Why is it important to remember and understand history? Essay-Compare and Contrast the North and South during the time of the Civil War Essay Response to Literature Environments We can overcome obstacles to become stronger. How can I take care of others? Use of Time Lines and other graphic organizers. Oral Response to Literature Community and Service MYP Vertical and Horizontal Matrix Revised 2009 I am a part of society and my behavior impacts To what degree am I responsible for my Research ProjectBecoming an expert Style and Language Mechanics Criterion B Organization Criterion C Style and language mechanics’ Follow a pattern to write poetry choose correct parts of speechuse metaphor simile etc. Criterion AContent Essay-Compare and Contrast the North and South during the time of the Civil War Criterion B Organization Criterion B Organization Project Design a poster to show our responsibilities as we become adults. Criterion A Content of Poster Criterion AContent Criterion C-Style and Language 2 I can better understand the choices I make and the things I do by analyzing the lives of others. use appropriate and varied sentence structure. use language accurately. other tests in relationg to personal issues/experiences 6.01- choosing language that is precise, engaging and well suited to the topic 1.01-Narrate an account such as a news story of historical episode which creates a coherent organizing structure appropriate to purpose audience and context. 1.04-examinign changes in self through the learning process. others. behavior? Oral Response to Literature Health and Social Education MYP Vertical and Horizontal Matrix Revised 2009 I can learn and understand myself better by learning about the lives of others. Who am I? Student will write an autobiography or a biography of a famous person Creative Writing Mechanics Students will create a presentation using presentation software, to persuade. Criterion-B Organization Criterion-C Style and Language Mechanics Students will write a memoir of an event that has shaped who they are today. 3