What body of water... • Was explored by Lewis and Clark????

What body of water...
• Was explored by Lewis and Clark????
The Columbia River
What body of water…
• Forms a border with Mexico????
The Rio Grande
What body of water….
• was the Gateway to the west????
Ohio River
What body of water…
• borders the United States to the north with
Canada and connects the Great Lakes to the
Atlantic Ocean.
St. Lawrence River
What body of water…
• Runs through the Grand Canyon????
The Colorado River
What body of water…..
• Was the highway for explorers, early settlers,
and later immigrants?
Atlantic Ocean
Which two bodies of water…
• Served as transportation arteries for farm and
industrial products?????
Mississippi and Missouri
Which river am I???
Which river am I???
Which body of water…
• provided the French and Spanish with
exploration routes to Mexico and other parts
of America?
Gulf of Mexico