Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events
Date: November 30th –
December 4th
A Glance at the Week…
Reading ~ We will continue with poetry this week.
The students will be creating their own poetry
different types of poetry. Students should read
their own books at home and write their Book Notes
with their new TRC question Stems.
Math ~We have learned lots of strategies to help us
with multiplication. We have also discussed all the
properties of multiplication and how to apply them.
This week we will start division. We will be learning
strategies to go along with division. **The students
need to be practicing their multiplication facts at
home! They will be having a multiplication quiz on 3s
and 4s on Wednesday.
Social Studies ~We never got to start Unit 5 on
Economics in the social studies textbook, so we
started today. **Be on the lookout for a study
guide coming home tomorrow for the students to
start studying. No notes test will be on
December 15th.
Thank you to everyone that came
for conferences. I love meeting with
everyone and bragging on your
children 
If you were unable to attend
your conference, please
email me a time that
works for you to
reschedule with me.
12/2 Progress reports go home
12/3 Family game night
12/9 ERD-students dismiss at 11
12/17 Class Holiday Celebration from 1-2
12/14-12/18Winter Wonderland Shop
December 21 - January 1
No School-Winter Break
Notes and Reminders
-We will have a spelling test on Friday as
well as a poetry test.
Multiplication quiz on Wednesday 12/2
multiplication facts at home!! 3 and 4 this
Don’t forget Thursday is family game night
here at Lakeshore!!
Wednesday is the last day for any ART
orders to be submitted.
Friday is the last day for ERD lunch forms…if
you want your child to get a school lunch on
ERD day, I need the form back please.
If anyone has any candy left over from
Halloween they would like to get rid of… I
would gladly take it off your hands for our
candy jar at school 
Fifth Grade is holding a Salvation Army Toy Drive
from Nov. 12 – Dec. 10. You can send in unwrapped
gifts to school and we will deliver them to the 5th
grade teachers. The gifts will be delivered to the
Salvation Army on Dec. 11. Thanks so much!