_____________________ -Italy was a ________________ land of small family farms and farmer

Name ____________________________
Lesson #25
Period ___________
Julius Caesar
Draw the Main Ideas:
Part 1 Trouble at Home
_____________________ -Italy was a
land of small family farms and farmer
_________________- had destroyed many
Roman farms. Returning from war, farmers
often did not have the money needed to
begin farming again.
_________________-began to buy up the
land, and created plantations run by slave
______________-moved to the city, but
there weren't many jobs.
______________-wanted the government
to help the poor, but they were stopped by
wealthy senator. Two tribunes would be
murdered by rich politicians.
Worksheet 20A: #1 a-f; #2 a-g
USVA History
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Part 2 Generals become Dictators
controlled all the land around the
Mediterranean Sea.
_________________-made up of professional
soldiers, mostly poor citizens who couldn't find
any other work. These soldiers were only loyal to
the generals who hired them and paid them with
land and money.
_______________-Caesar was born into the this
family. This was one of the oldest families of the
patricians. They claimed to be descendants of
____________ Caesar married this woman.
Together they had baby girl.
_____________ Caesars aunt married this
famous general.
______________- This general became a fierce
rival of Caesar’s new uncle. Upon returning from a
battle, he decided to come back to Rome as a
dictator. His first steps were to kill all those who
he saw as a threat to his power. He made a list of
all those he wanted dead. He His first steps were
to kill all those who he saw as a threat to his
power. He made a list of all those he wanted dead
and promised their possessions to the person that
killed them.
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____________-During his escape, Caesar was
kidnapped and held for ransom by these people.
Caesar would return to the site of his captivity
and had his kidnappers crucified.
Part 3 The Rise of Julius Caesar
____________________-died while giving birth
to a stillborn son.
_____________- Another fear that Americans
had was the introduction of this drug brought
from China into American society.
_____________- In 67 B.C. Caesar married this
woman, who happened to be the granddaughter of
Sulla. He would divorce her when it was believed
that she had an affair.
______________________-In 60 BCE, Caesar
formed an alliance with Pompey and Crassus. He
promised to support their interests if they would
help him become a consul.
_____________- In 59 B.C., Caesar his alliance
helped him to be elected to this position.
_______________- Caesar strengthened his
alliance with Pompey by giving him his daughter
Julia to marry. Caesar himself got married also
that year.
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Part 4 Caesar’s Conquest of Gaul
___________________- In this year,
Caesar got a five year position as proconsol
(governor) of Gaul (modern day France).
____________________- At this battle,
Caesar forced the surrender of
Vercingetorix (a powerful leader of the
Gauls). This effectively completing Caesar's
conquest of Gaul.
PRIMARY SOURCE from The Gallic War by Julius Caesar
Part 5 To Cross the Rubricon
________________- worried many
senators in Rome. They feared that Caesar
was becoming too powerful. They would
declare him a public enemy.
____________________- Caesar and his
army crossed the Rubicon River, which
divided Northern Italy from the rest of
_______________-sent an army, led by
Pompey, to stop Caesar. That meant civil
war! It lasted for 3 years.
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___________- escaped to Egypt for help.
While there he was murdered by his own
guards. They had been paid off by the
Egyptian eunuch Pothinus, who was running
the country for the twelve year old pharaoh,
Ptolemy XIII.
___________________- arrived with
4000 soldiers in pursuit of Pompey. Pothinus
greeted him with the head of Pompey as a
Part 6 A Divine Match
________________-While Ceasar was in
Egypt, he went to Memphis to visit the
grave of this Hero,
_________________-While in Alexandria
she snuck in to see Caesar. When Pothinus
found out, he tried to have the Egyptians
attack the Romans.
_______________-his men held off the
attack. He had Pothinus executed. He then
burned the Egyptian fleet. In doing this the
Library of Alexandria was accidentally
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Part 7 Dictator for Life
_____________In 46 B.C. he returned to
Rome with Cleopatra and their newborn son.
declared himself dictator.
_____________ term for ruler with
absolute power.
____________-he planned to be the
absolute ruler for life! He ended the
republican system.
Julius Caesar General, Writer, Politician, DictatorKing?
Part 8 Save the Republic
________________ - thought Caesar
acted as if he did not have to obey the
law. They thought he treated them as
servants. Many began to think of him as an
enemy. They whispered among themselves
that Caesar intended to make himself king.
______________- He was a leader of a
group of senators that decided to get
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Using the information that you learned in this lesson, explain what this picture is about:
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