Part I: The Aeneid

Name ____________________________
Lesson #21 The Birth of Rome
Draw the Main Ideas:
This is a drawing of ___________
Period ___________
Part I: The Aeneid
_______________- According to one legend, Rome
was founded on this date, by twin brothers
descended from the Trojan prince Aeneas.
________________ -a Latin epic poem written by
Virgil in the late 1st century BC (29–19 BCE) that
tells the legendary story of Aeneas, a Trojan who
traveled to Italy, where he became the ancestor of
the Romans. What was the name of it?
______________Around 1000 B.C., When Troy was
sacked by the Greeks, this hero, after being
commanded by the gods to flee, gathered a group,
and then traveled to Italy. Who was he?
______________-Aeneas had a year-long affair
with this Carthaginian queen. She proposed that the
Trojans settle in her land and that she and Aeneas
reign jointly over their peoples. Who was she?
_______________- Who was the messenger god
that was sent by Jupiter and Venus to remind
Aeneas of his journey and his purpose (to begin a
new kingdom of Trojans)?
USVA History
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_________________When Dido learned of that
Aeneas had left, she ordered her sister to construct
this, she said, to get rid of Aeneas' possessions.
What did they build?
_______________________________Dido uttered this curse that would last
forever. She then committed suicide by
stabbing herself with the same sword she
gave Aeneas when they first met and then
falling on the pyre. What was the curse?
____________________- After leaving Carthage,
Aeneas would settle down in this location. Where was
_____________- Latium was in the middle of this
land. There were many powerful cities that had been
in Latium for hundreds of years. What land was
Latium in?
_______________- What were the people of
Latium called?
_____________________- While in Latium,
Aeneas marries the daughter of the local Latin king.
Her previous boyfriend became jealous and tried to
destroy Aeneas and his men. Aeneas would win the
battle and inherit his father-in-laws kingdom and
takeover the ex-boyfriend’s kingdom. What would he
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This is a drawing of ___________
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Part II The Twins
___________________________-In the eighth
century BC, a king who was a descendent of Aeneas,
gets deposed by his older brother, Prince Amulius.
Amulius would kill all of his male children, and force
his daughter, Rhea Silvia, to become a Vestal Virgin.
Who was the deposed king?
_____________________- They were priestesses
of the goddess Vesta. Vesta was the virgin goddess
of the hearth, home, and family in Roman religion.
Who were they?
___________________- Amulius assigned Rhea
Silvia as a Vestal Virgin to ensure the line of Numitor
had no heirs. However, Rhea Silvia conceived and
gave birth to twins, claiming that a god had
discovered her in the forest and seduced her. Which
god did the say did this?
_______________- When Amulius learned of their
birth he imprisoned Rhea Silvia and ordered a
servant to kill her sons. But the servant took pity on
the boys, put them in a basket and let them float
down this river. What was the name of the river?
_____________- Down the Tiber river they floated
until they came to rest at the foot of a hill. There a
wolf found the crying orphans and cared for them.
______________________- A shepherd,
Faustulus, found the children and took them home to
raise as his own. What would he name them?
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__________________- Years later, the Romulus
and Remus decided to build a city. This would be a
city where others who were as they once were. What
type of people was this city for?
__________________- The brothers argued over
this, so they decided to watch for an omen, a sign
from the gods, to settle their argument.
_________________________- The brothers
began to quarrel and fight. What was the result?
_________________- Romulus began to build his
city on the spot he had chosen. This was on the hill
where the tiny basket containing the two babies had
come to rest years before. He named his new city
after himself. What would he name it?
________________- Romulus founded Rome in 753
B.C. as a place in place of refuge, to which these
people might come for safety. What type of people
were they?
________________________- When those who
had committed crime in other places, and had to flee
to escape punishment, found out that Romulus would
give them a refuge, they came in large numbers to
his city. What type of people did Rome become full
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This is a drawing of ___________
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Part 3: The Rape of the Sabines
_______________________- The men of Rome
were upset. The reason was because the neighboring
tribes would not allow their women to do this. What
was it?
___________________- To get his men the women
they wanted, Romulus came up with a plan. He sent
messengers to the cities all around to announce that
on a certain day a great festival in honor of this god
would be held on the plain in front of Rome. There
were to be games, combats, horse-racing, and other
sports. The people were invited to attend the
festival and also to take part in the contests for the
What god were they honoring?
__________________- A great many of
competitors came from this tribe of warriors that
lived on a mountain near Rome. Suddenly Romulus
blew a loud blast upon a horn. Then, quick as a flash,
the Romans seized the girls and bore them off to
Rome. What tribe did they steal the girls from?
__________________- Then Romulus ruled alone
for nearly forty years. He was a wise and just king,
and did a great deal of good for his people. He
established a 100 man body called the Senate, to
help him in important affairs of government. It was
called the Senate from senex, the Latin word for an
old man.
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This is a drawing of ___________
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Part IV: King Romulus
______________- Then Romulus ruled alone for
nearly forty years. He was a wise and just king, and
did a great deal of good for his people. He
established a 100 man body to help him in important
affairs of government. The name for this group was
Latin word for old men. What was it?
_________________- The Senate was formed of
the chiefs or old men of the earliest settlers in
Rome. The descendants of those Roman settlers
were called this. They were the nobles, or upper
class, in Rome. What were they called?
__________________- What were the ordinary
people of Rome, the common citizens called?
__________________________- Romulus trained
the Romans to be good soldiers outside the city,
along the bank of the Tiber, on a great plain. Here
the Roman soldiers were drilled. They were taught
how to use the spear and the javelin and the sword
and the shield. They were also exercised in running
and jumping, and wrestling and swimming, and
carrying heavy loads. What was the name of this
training ground?
________________________- One stormy day, he
would disappear from the earth. It was said that his
father, the god Mars, had taken him up to the clouds
in a golden chariot. The next morning at early dawn a
Roman citizen named Julius saw a figure descending
from the heavens. The figure floated toward Julius
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and said: "Go and tell my people that it is the will of
the gods that Rome shall be the greatest city of the
world. Let them be brave and warlike, and no human
power shall be able to conquer them." Who was he?
Explain the signifigance of this picture and why it is important in history
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