Spanish 2 One to the World Project Sr.... Authentic Task/Problem:

Spanish 2 One to the World Project Sr. Reed
Authentic Task/Problem:
Youths in the United States are less geographically and culturally literate than are youths in many
other industrialized countries. In a time in which the world is becoming increasingly
interconnected, it is pertinent that American youths study other countries and learn about other
cultures. This project will attempt to inform students in an effort to expand their geographical
knowledge and eliminate cultural misconceptions through the combination of technology and
Public product:
The students will create a short film (2-3 minutes) using Windows Movie Maker highlighting
landmark and cultural highlights of a Spanish speaking country in the format of a 7 day travel
Examples: ,
Significant content standards and competencies:
The students will use Spanish travel and places vocabulary from Units 5A and 5B in the LCPS
curriculum. Grammar points will include: the preterit tense or irregular verbs, including ser, ir and
ver. Adjective agreement, Direct object pronouns, and personal “a.”
Connected/Connections with the world:
The films will be shown to Spanish 3 students at Mercer MS who will be asked to provide
Project Outline:
Scenario: You work for a travel company that sent you to establish a new travel itinerary for young
travelers that want to visit a Spanish speaking country. You need to create a 7-day itinerary (showing
what you did, where you went, how you got there, etc.) that will appeal to young Americans.
Essential Questions
--What are the different regions like?
--What are some popular tourist attractions?
--What are popular activities for tourists?
--What impact has the tourist boom had on the economy? on the environment?
--What are popular foods in the country?
--What are its people like?
--What are some popular expressions in the country?
--What kinds of music are traditional in the country?
Driving Question
--What would be the most appealing destinations in the country if you were to design a 7-day itinerary for
a particular tourist?
1. You will research and select a Spanish speaking country and develop an 7-day itinerary that will
serve the particular needs and interests of a young tourist. See sample itinerary.
2. Once you have your itinerary, you will create a storyboard to sequence your itinerary in
Windows Movie Maker. You will then research and download and save photos according to you
3. You will then create your 2-3 minute movie using your itinerary and photos that you have
collected. You must include a title page and works cited/referenced page at the end!!!
**************************See Movie making procedure for WMM**************************
4. You will turn in your video by the due date so that it may be shown to Spanish students at
another school who will evaluate your project.
Week of March 14: Project Kickoff & research begins.
Week of March 28: Storyboard writing & Film making (Storyboard sheet
due at the end of the week).
Week of April 4: Film making and editing continued.
April 10th A-day & April 11th B-day: Final project due.
Research sites:
These are hyperlinked but you have to go to my website to open up the links
Lonely Planet
Country Facts
Spanish Program Website
State Department
Descripción del viaje/Itinerario
*Lugar (¿Adónde van
*Actividad (¿Qué van a hacer allí?)
*¿Cómo ir?
*Parque Nacional
Manuel Antonio (Un
parque/ una selva)
*ver los animales/ nadar en la playa
* en autobús,
Día 1 Lunes: Fui al Parque del Retiro en autobus y monté en bote en el lago bonito y grande.
Día 2 Martes: Estuvimos en el zoológico de Barcelona. Fuimos en taxi y pudimos ver un
jirafa grande.
Scoring Rubric:
Below Average
& Sequencing
Student creates a
storyboard (timeline) of
images/photos, which
create a “flow” for the
Excellent skill in the use
of transitions. 20 pts
Creates a storyboard
(timeline) of
images/photos, which
create a “flow” for the
Good skill in the use of
15 pts
Creates a storyboard
(timeline) of
images/photos, which
creates a “flow” for the
Some skill in the use of
12 pts
Creates a storyboard
(timeline) of
images/photos, which
create a “flow” for the
Lack skill in the use of
transitions. 5 pts
Created/found images
are related to a
meaningful topic or plot.
Information has been
compiled from relevant
The movie is useful to an
audience beyond the
students who created it.
20 pts
Time: 2-3 minutes long.
The project presents
information in an
accurate manner that
can be understood by
the intended audience.
There is a focus that is
maintained throughout
the piece.
17 pts
The project has a focus
but may stray from it at
There is an
structure, though it may
not be carried out
15 pts
Project seems
haphazard, hurried or
Time: 1-2 minutes long.
Time: less than 1 minute
Excellent skills in
creating/finding sound
effects or music that
relate directly into the
meaning of the images.
15 pts
Good skills in narrating,
creating/finding sound
effects or music that
relate directly into the
meaning of the images.
12 pts
Some skills in narrating,
creating/finding sound
effects or music that
relate directly into the
meaning of the images.
10 pts
Requires assistance
creating/finding sound
effects or music that
relate directly into the
meaning of the images.
5 pts
Spanish was mostly used
to narrate topic or plot.
(95-100% Spanish)
Presentation has 2
misspellings or
grammatical errors.
25 pts.
Some English was used
to narrate topic or plot.
(90% Spanish)
Presentation has 3
misspellings or
grammatical errors.
20 pts
A lot of English was
used to narrate topic or
plot. (70-85% Spanish)
Presentation has 4
misspellings or
grammatical errors.
17 pts
English was mostly used
to narrate topic or plot.
(65% or less Spanish)
Presentation has 5 or
more misspellings or
grammatical errors.
10 pts
Titles, credits, fonts,
colors, graphics, special
effects or other word
placements add
meaning to the images
and enhance
5 pts
Titles, credits, fonts,
colors, graphics,
special effects or other
word placements add
some meaning to the
images and enhance
4 pts
Titles, credits, fonts,
colors, graphics,
special effects or other
word placements add
little meaning to the
images and enhance
presentation. 3 pts
The student uses these
features minimally or
not at all.
Resulting effects add
no meaning to the
2 pts
All resources are used
correctly and properly
cited in the references
5 pts
Most resources are
used correctly and
properly cited in the
reference section.
4 pts
Most resources are not
cited correctly or are
improperly used.
3 pts
No resources are cited
correctly and project
contains no reference
2 pts
Arrived to class on time,
used class time
appropriately, did not
distract others, stayed
on task the whole time.
10 pts
Mostly used class time
appropriately, did not
distract others, stayed
on task most of the
Was a distraction to
other students, and did
not stay on task most of
the time.
5 pts
Was not on task at all
and was constantly
distracting other
students. 1 pt
(20 Points)
Images have a
clear Goal
Length of movie
(20 Points)
Sound Effects
(15 Points)
Language used
Spelling &
(25 Points)
(5 Points)
(5 Points)
(10 Points)
Time: lasts 30 seconds
or less.
Moving making Procedure:
How to Create a Folder
Students will be saving all of their pictures and work in their folders on the computer they are assigned
to. Instruct students to follow these steps to create a folder:
1. Right click with the mouse on the desktop
2. Choose New and Folder
3. Type your name and press enter. Please instruct them not to name their folders anything else, but
their names
How to Search and Save Pictures
Students will need to save at least 10 -12 pictures. Suggest that they not be too picky with choosing
images because this will be the only day they have to search for pictures. If they end up not liking the
picture later they don’t have to include it in their movie.
1. Click on the icon Internet Explorer
2. Type in in the address bar
3. Click images in the top left corner to change to an image search
4. Type in a description of the picture you are looking for.
5. Browse page to find images. Instruct the students to look at the number under the picture that is
followed by the letter k. This number needs to be larger than 30k. If it is not, the pictures will appear
blurry in the movie. The larger the number the better.
6. Click on a desired picture
7. Click on See full-size image
8. Right click in the center of the picture
9. Click save picture as
Opening Movie Maker and Saving Project
1. Click on the Start tab on the desktop
2. Click on Windows Movie Maker to open program
3. Click File
4. Click Save Project As
6. Click “global” drive
7. Click “collaborate”
8. Click on “Reed”
9. Click on your class/block period
7. Click on File name and type in your 1st initial and last name (Ex. F.Reed)
8. Click Save
Once they have saved their movie in their folders they can just click file, save or the purple disk icon to resave their movie. Students should re-save every couple of minutes. Remind them throughout the class.
Importing Images and Inserting Images
1. On the left side under Capture Video click Import Pictures
2. Click desktop
3. Click (students names) folder
4. Highlight all the pictures by putting the cursor to the right and below all the pictures, click, drag to the
left and up to highlight all, let go and click Import
5. Make sure the screen is in Storyboard view. If it is not click on show storyboard in the middle of the
screen. In storyboard view you should see a series of boxes towards the bottom of the screen.
6. Click and drag pictures into the large boxes in the desired order. If you decide you don’t want a
picture right click and delete it.
Adding Effects
1. Under Edit Movie click View Video Effects
2. Browse through video effects clip; double click to view the effect
3. Choose an effect and click and drag the effect into the little box with the star in it. The star will turn
blue when the effect has been successfully added. Add an effect to each picture.
Adding Transitions
1. Under Edit Movie click View Video Transitions
2. Browse through video transitions; double click to view
3. Choose a transition and click and drag into the smaller boxes between the pictures. Choose a
transition to insert between each picture.
Adding Titles
1. Under Edit Movie click Make Titles or Credits
2. Choose Add title at the beginning of the movie
3. Type desired title. To change font and background color click change text font and color. Click the
arrow under font and choose a font. To change color, click on the box under color and choose a color,
click ok.
4. Click Done, add title to movie.
5. Click Make Titles and Credits to add more titles. Read from the title choices and add titles where
desired throughout the movie. Remind the students that they will need titles throughout their movie not
just at the beginning and the end.
Importing Music
1. Under Capture Video click Import Audio or Music
2. Navigate to specific music location as determined by the teacher
3. Click on the folder of a desired artist to view individual songs. Choose a song and click Import.
4. The screen needs to be in Timeline View so if it is not click on Show Timeline
5. Click and drag song into the row titled Audio/Music. The song will probably be too long, so place the
cursor at the end of the song until you see a double red arrow and click and drag to the left until it is
even with the end of the pictures.
6. Once the song is inserted into the movie, students may view the movie and listen to the song by
dragging the blue bar on the timeline left (to the beginning of the movie), and clicking the play button
on the viewer screen. If the students decide they do not like the song, right click on the song in the
timeline and delete it.
**** Remind students to save their project repeatedly and again before exiting the program.****