PLOT-- EXPOSITION-- The sequence of events in a story.

PLOT--The sequence of events in a story.
EXPOSITION--Usually at the beginning of the story, the characters and
setting are introduced. Sometimes we also learn what the problem is.
INITIATING EVENT--This is the conflict, or problem, that starts the
action of the story.
RISING ACTION--The action picks up. The interest or suspense of the
story begins to build.
CLIMAX--The turning point of the story.
FALLING ACTION--All loose ends of the plot begin to be tied up; the
action slows.
RESOLUTION--The story comes to a reasonable ending.
PLOT--The sequence of events in a story.
EXPOSITION--Usually at the beginning of the story, the characters and
setting are introduced. Sometimes we also learn what the problem is.
INITIATING EVENT--This is the conflict, or problem, that starts the
action of the story.
RISING ACTION--The action picks up. The interest or suspense of the
story begins to build.
CLIMAX--The turning point of the story.
FALLING ACTION--All loose ends of the plot begin to be tied up; the
action slows.
RESOLUTION--The story comes to a reasonable ending.