C o l r

Name ________________________
Block _______
Colorful Compositions
In this activity you are going to think about a color and write a COLOR POEM.
Think of names of colors and write them down. Don’t forget the different
shades of a color, like jade green, lavender, tangerine orange, carnelian red, or
turquoise blue. Think about colors in different ways and pre-write your
thoughts. Use the back of this page for your pre-writing.
Think of things that are that color.
Think of events that are that color.
Think of feelings that are that color.
What does the color sound like?
What does the color look like?
What does the color feel like?
Tangerine is the sweet, heavy scent of a hot-house flower.
It sounds like the rustling of jungle leaves
and tastes like exotic spices.
Tangerine looks like the spots behind your eyelids after staring at the sun,
and feels like slipping into a bath that is almost too hot.
Now it’s your turn …
Your Color: ____________________________
Do your Pre-Writing here:
Write down things that are that color:
Describe what the color looks like:
Write down what the color sounds like:
Write down feelings that are that color:
Write down events that are that color:
Explain what the color feels like:
NOW, following the model on the other side, create a rough draft version of your poem
When you have finished, write the final draft of your poem on the other side.