Document 17612881

Edgar Allen Poe: The Man Behind the Horror
Author Study
Page 194
Objectives: Students will understand that word structure aids comprehension of unfamiliar and complex words.
Students understand that in dramatic works, setting, mood, characters, plot, and theme are often revealed through staging as well as through
narration and dialogue.
Essential Question(s): How does today’s piece of literature exemplify the elements of literature we discussed today?
The setting for today’s story, “The Cask
of Amontillado,” was inspired by the
catacombs of Paris (play to 2:50) and
takes place in Paris, France during
Carnival is a festival just before the 40day period of fasting known as Lent.
During carnival, people wear fanciful
costumes, attend balls, and participate
in feasts. Mardi Gras in New Orleans
originated from this European
Objectives: Students will understand that word structure aids comprehension of unfamiliar and complex words.
Students understand that in dramatic works, setting, mood, characters, plot, and theme are often revealed through staging as well as through
narration and dialogue.
Essential Question(s): How does today’s piece of literature exemplify the elements of literature we discussed today?
Pre-Reading: Answer the three questions on your sheet.
Objectives: Students will understand that word structure aids comprehension of unfamiliar and complex words.
Students understand that in dramatic works, setting, mood, characters, plot, and theme are often revealed through staging as well as through
narration and dialogue.
Essential Question(s): How does today’s piece of literature exemplify the elements of literature we discussed today?
by Edgar Allen Poe
Objectives: Students will understand that word structure aids comprehension of unfamiliar and complex words.
Students understand that in dramatic works, setting, mood, characters, plot, and theme are often revealed through
staging as well as through narration and dialogue.
Essential Question(s): How does today’s piece of literature exemplify the elements of literature we discussed today?
Post Reading: Answer the analysis
questions. Go back to the text to make
sure you answer the question
completely and pull evidence from the
story to help support your answers.
Objectives: Students will understand that word structure aids comprehension of unfamiliar and complex words.
Students understand that in dramatic works, setting, mood, characters, plot, and theme are often revealed through staging as well as through
narration and dialogue.
Essential Question(s): How does today’s piece of literature exemplify the elements of literature we discussed today?
“The Cask of Amontillado” Character
Analysis Graphic Organizer:
1. What character appealed to you most?
2. What are three characteristics (character
traits) that you want to focus on that really
describe your character?
3. Begin to fill in your graphic organizer.
Remember to use direct quotes that exemplify
these traits and write down the page number
from where you got the quote. You need to
have one quote per trait.
4. Have your graphic organizer approved by
the teacher. You must have it initialed before
moving on.
Objectives: Students will understand that word structure aids comprehension of unfamiliar and complex words.
Students understand that in dramatic works, setting, mood, characters, plot, and theme are often revealed through staging as well as through
narration and dialogue.
Essential Question(s): How does today’s piece of literature exemplify the elements of literature we discussed today?
“The Cask of Amontillado” Character
On your own paper, follow the outline
given to you for your five paragraph
character analysis essay.
The essay needs to consist of:
-Thesis/introductory paragraph,
-3 body paragraphs (one for each trait)
Objectives: Students will understand that word structure aids comprehension of unfamiliar and complex words.
Students understand that in dramatic works, setting, mood, characters, plot, and theme are often revealed through staging as well as through
narration and dialogue.
Essential Question(s): How does today’s piece of literature exemplify the elements of literature we discussed today?
MLA Style of Documentation
• MLA is a style of documentation that gives guidelines for writing academic
papers. To get you started:
• Double Spaced, Size 12, Times New Roman Font. The default spacing in Microsoft word is
set to double space, you will probably have to change the font size and style.
• Page Numbers are in the upper, right hand corner and start with page 1. You will also use
your last name before the page number. No cover page is needed unless instructed by your
teacher. (Go to
• Your name, the teachers name, Class, and Date will be to the left had side at the top of your
paper. Dates should be written in the DD Month YYYY Format and should be the DUE DATE
of your paper. For example, this paper is due on 21 October 2015 for B day classes.
• Next you should have a titled, centered. This should not be italized, bolded, underlined, or
• You should not use any personal pronouns like “I” in your paper. It should be about the
character, not you or your opinions.
To Insert Page Numbers:
Once you’ve inserted the page number,
double click it and add your LAST name
before the number. This will automatically be
added for each page of text as you go.
“The Cask of Amontillado”
Quoting passages from the text.
I want to use the following quote in
my essay from page 209:
“At length I would be avenged; this
was a point definitively settled- but
the very definitiveness with which it
was resolved, precluded the idea of
Objectives: Students will understand that word structure aids comprehension of unfamiliar and complex words.
Students understand that in dramatic works, setting, mood, characters, plot, and theme are often revealed through staging as well as through
narration and dialogue.
Essential Question(s): How does today’s piece of literature exemplify the elements of literature we discussed today?
In Text Citations:
At the beginning of “The Cask of Amontillado,” Montressor states
that, “At length I would be avenged; this was a point definitively
settled- but the very definitiveness with which it was resolved,
precluded the idea of risk” (Poe 209). Montresser is seeking revenge he
will stop at nothing and take any risk to make sure he is avenged.
Introduce quote & the title of the story
should be in quotes since it is a short story.
After the quote, I have explained what the
quote means and then I will go on to
analyze how this is an example of his
The entire quote is in quotation marks and
written exactly as it appears in the story.
Notice the end of the quote, the quotes
are closed and then I have cited Poe and
the page number. The period (.) comes
after the citation.
• You will be required to include a works
• It should always have its own page at the
end of your paper
• Center the words—Works Cited—
• Use a hanging indent. That means that the
first line is all the way to the left and then
any other lines are indented.
Author Last, Author First. “Story Title.”
Textbook Title. Ed. Editors First Last
Name. City of Publication:
Publisher, Year of Publication. Page
Range. Print.
• The citation for our purposes is:
Poe, Edgar Allen. “The Cask of Amontillado.”
The Language of Literature. Ed.
Arthur N. Applebee et al. Boston:
McDougal Littell, 2000. 208-214.