Quiz 4.1-4.3 REVIEW

Quiz 4.1-4.3 REVIEW
Name: _______________________
1. ∆ABC has vertices A(4, 6), B(–2, –5), and C(–4, 8).
Find the coordinates of the vertices after ∆ABC was
dilated with factor 2 , origin as a center of dilation.
2. Enlarge the triangle T by a factor
3. Enlarge the triangle A by a factor of 3 from center P.
∆ CDE is similar to ∆ FGH.
̅̅̅̅ ? ______________
4. What side of ∆ CDE corresponds with 𝐹𝐺
5. Write a proportion and solve to find the measure of 𝐺𝐻
GH =
from the origin.
6. George went fishing for 3 hours and caught 16 fish. How many should he expect to catch if he fished
for 4.5 hours the next day?
7. Write a proportion and solve to find the height of the tree.
Use the percent equation to solve each problem. Round to nearest TENTH, if necessary.
8. 1.6 is what percent of 40?
9. 21 is 30% of what number?
10. Find 80% of 130
11. What percent of 5 is 14?
12. Fifty-four of the 90 books on a shelf are history books.
What percent of the books are history books?